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It's now week eleven, and the object of the day is a prune. Em's prune-sized baby is developing fingernails and irises, which is so freaking adorable.

I'm feeling lonelier than ever, and I have to be with someone just so I don't go to sleep in an empty bed.

My newest girlfriend asks about my ring tattoo one night after sex.

I explain that "it's a tattoo my best bro and I got. We lived together for six years."

"Wow, that's - wow."

"I know. Crazy, right?"

"But you never..."

"No. I mean we messed around a bit, as kids do. But nothing...no."

"But you lived together so long. Many married couples can't even last six years together. Did you argue?"


"And you never left."

"No." I pull a face. "Why would I? He's my best friend."

After she leaves, I pull out my laptop and look for validation.

"Guy counselling: is a bromance better than a romance?"

"Why men prefer bromance over romance."

"Straight guys now prefer bromance over romance. Here's why."

"Bromance over romance, say men in new study."

"Do men prefer bromance more than a romantic relationship?"

"Bromance more satisfying to young men: study."

"Men often happier with their bromance than their romance."

"Rise of the bromance threatens heterosexual relationships, warn social scientists."

"Pals before gals: young men prefer bromance to romance."

"Rise of the bromance is bad for women, could become 'genuine life style style relationship'."

"Bromance redefined: 93% of straight guys report having cuddled with another heterosexual man."

"Young Men Find Bromances More Satisfying Than Romances, Study Finds."

"Studies show that your bf's bromance is actually bad for your relationship."

Fuck, this shit checks out. This shit checks. Out. I feel so validated right now.

It's not just me. I'm not crazy.

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