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Emery and I are studying in the library. Kind of. Well, my socked feet are crawling up Emery's skinny ankles.

"You're so annoying," he whines.

"You're so annoying," I mimic.

Alexandra, a friend of Emery's, looks at us funny. She's a no-nonsense nerd with braces and glasses and she always keeps Emery on track whereas I like to distract him. They met in music class, because Emery plays the violin and she plays the cello.

She doesn't get us. My homie and I have what I call Fruity Fridays, where we act like complete fruitcakes. Kissing each other, slapping each other's ass, back-hugs, holding hands, borrowing hoodies, poking his butthole with my finger, slow dancing in the hallways, caressing his cheek, flirting with each other, singing sexy rap songs in his ear, bending him over and pushing my crotch against his ass... She just looks at us like everyone else does: dafuq is going on? She doesn't understand us.

Sighing, I go back to my textbook.

When it's time to go home, I'm surprised to see Alexandra and Emery still in their seats.

Emery rubs his eyes tiredly and says that they're going to finish studying for the next big math test together. I narrow my eyes and suggest that we all go back to my place. Emery brightens and they both say, sure.

He and Alexandra are so boring. They quiz each other and correct each other and scribble on each other's notes and laugh at each other's mistakes. When she finally leaves, Emery and I have way more fun. We play video games until my parents threaten to throw my consoles out on the curb.

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