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In week twenty-five, Aly gets a glucose screening done to check for gestational diabetes. I come along to the appointment, sitting rigidly in the plastic waiting room seat, shoulders slumping with relief when Emery comes out and tells me: we're okay.

We hang out with Bella, Danny and Matthias afterwards.

"Sorry things didn't work out with Griffin," Danny offers.

"I mean, they did... I just didn't know where to go from there," I sigh.

"On to the next girl," Bella mutters.

"I don't know..." I groan, dragging my hand down my face. "I can't stand their high-pitched voices anymore, or their feelings, or how emotionally attached and clingy they are..."

"Or the fact that they expect you to only have sex with them..." Emery supplies, lips twitching humorously.

"Exactly." I shake my head. "I'll probably be free and single forever."

We end up looking at ideas for Emery's bachelor party. We laugh at my ideas for a hilarious groom-and-best-man 'bromance' celebration photoshoot.

Once the evening winds down, we stand up and prepare to head our separate ways.

"I'm going to Aly's. See you tomorrow, Brandon."

I yawn, clearing my table.

"Alright, goodnight, Em. I love you."

"Love you."

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