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The incredulous girlfriend spins him around and promptly starts yelling at him.

Emery and I hightail it, laughing our asses off.

"That guy loved it, dude," I guffaw.

"You've got at least a half chub there, yourself." Emery grins and pans the camera down to my crotch.

We keep this up for hours, not stopping until we see cops, which more than one angry girlfriend or wife threatened to call. Laughing, we race away as quickly as we can without tripping.

Emery turns the camera on selfie mode when we're sitting on the couch later. His head is between my legs, right up against my crotch, and I'm stroking his hair.

"Finally found the boy of my dreams," I grin into the camera when Emery switches it to video.

Bella comes over later that night.

"Well?" She folds her arms across her chest. "Still the macho, manly-man, dude-bro, idiot jock you were yesterday or do you think this exercise knocked you down a few pegs?"

"Don't talk to him like that." Emery's face sours.

I honestly forgot this was supposed to be a punishment.

"Um, I literally just had the most fun day of my life..."

She facepalms and tells Emery that she gives up; I'm his problem now.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now