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"Brandon, you're obsessed with women; who do you think you're kidding?" Emery doesn't buy my indifferent attitude.

"Meh, I don't know anymore. I've seen boobs as veiny as my grandma's varicose legs. Vaginas like the grand canyon-"

"The grand..." Emery bursts out laughing. "What?!"

"Think: stretchy, flappy, sagging all over the place..." I fill a glass with water and down it. "Boys are tighter, more eager, obviously more adept at working the male body. Besides..." I hike a shoulder in a noncommittal shrug. "Boys would turn for me."

Emery laughs again, shaking his head incredulously.

"Brandon, you're something else," he muses.

"Like... I'd fuck you." I shrug nonchalantly.

"What?" Emery's smile dies on his lips, eyes widening.

"Sure, why not?"

"Uh, I'm not gay for one. And neither are you."

"So? A hole is a hole," I wink.

Emery shakes his head, eyebrows arched.

"What do you want for dinner, weirdo?"

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now