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I'm so sexually repressed these days, what with Griffin so within reach and simultaneously so off limits.

When I'm not working or sleeping, I throw myself into wild Vegas parties until I exhaust myself. Once I've had enough of that, I resort to Emery for comfort. Today is his birthday.

"You look so beautiful," I greet Emery on our Skype call.

"Uh-oh. Griffin still resisting your charms?"

"He's too hot; every time I talk to him I melt," I lament.

"How interested does he seem?"

"He won't give me the time of day."

"Keep trying. No one can resist your good looks forever."

"Apparently he can."

"Some people like to give chase a little. So you don't get instant gratification from him, so what? I think that's good for you."

"I hate you. Happy birthday, though."

"I hate you more. Thanks."

I start openly touching myself, missing his mouth.

"Show me," I implore him.

"Brandon, don't make me do this..."

I know his deal. He's upset because another Father's Day has passed with no word from his pops.

I wish I could pull him into my lap and cradle him in my arms. "It's okay," I console him. "He may be your father but he isn't your daddy."

This succeeds in drawing a laugh from Emery. "It takes a man to be a daddy," I intone seriously. "And he's just a fucking coward."

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