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"You're so beautiful."

Sunlight spills onto Emery's body, bathing him in liquid rose gold. I watch the play of the dappled light on his back. Awash in the glow, his smooth skin is scintillating.

Biting my lip, I reach out a hand to ever so smooth a luscious, wayward curl behind a flaming ear. The tendril is feather-soft, like the pads of my fingers. It springs like a coil right back into its original position.

"Mine," I whisper reverent and slow.

Long, wispy lashes flutter, kiss his cheekbones. I lean in and let my lips brush their soft skin.

Emery makes a soft sound of discontent.

"You never let me sleep," he murmurs shyly. A soft peach hue suffuses milky, white cheeks.

"Don't sleep," comes my swift reply. "Stay awake with me."

He shifts onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with me.

"How'd I end up with you, anyway?" he chuckles.

"Third grade, sixth of December; you kept trying to eat my glue..."

I grin, thumbing his wedding ring. "You're really mine now," I murmur after a beat.

Emery turns and beams a soft, sleepy, besotted at me.

"Yes, Brandon... I'm yours."

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now