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I'm pleasantly surprised to walk in on Emery jerking off after dinner.

Laying down on the bed behind him in a spooning position, I turn him onto his side. My hand settles on his haunch and he covers it promptly with his own, turning his head and looking at me with wide, questioning eyes. I take his hand by the wrist, lube it up with his own spit and press it at his opening. His chest heaves as he enters himself.

I sling one arm around his shoulders and place my other hand loosely around his neck. He fits his mouth around my fist while he fingers himself, muffling his moans.

Emery's eyes widen with his own unexpected release, resulting in splatters all over the bed.

"Dude, that is so much cum."

"Ahhhhah," he laughs, leaning back against me.

"All from a finger in your ass, with my hand in your mouth... Does Aly know you behave so badly?"

"You always say it's none of a girlfriend's business..." Emery grins sheepishly.

"I'm corrupting you. I like that." I pepper his throat with open-mouthed kisses. He reaches backwards between my legs but I gently swat his hand away, preferring to kiss him drowsy. He falls asleep on my arm but I don't move it in favour of watching his face.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now