Chapter 22 - Ashes

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I didn't fuck her, we jus made out in the stall. It's not that I didn't want to .. It was just I don't think it would've been right. Not being in that relationship with her. I mean .. What can I say? I turned over a new leaf

** 2 months later **

I got my cast off yesterday so I'm pretty healed up thank god!. I think I'm gonna ask Diamond to be my girlfriend since we've been through a lot these last two months. She's very loyal, I can say that.

"Can I come over?" I call her

"Yess" I already know she's blushing right now, smiling

My parents stop me in my tracks with Marco

"We gotta talk" My mom says

"Okay" I close the door

"J .. This isn't gonna be easy to say .." My dad looks at me

"But .."

"We think Val might press charges on you" Marco looks at me too

"Pshhhhh for what? She's the one that kidnapped me, tied me up and tried to fuck me against my will" I frown

"For sexual assault" they say

"I .. Never touched that HOE! Key word HOE!" I say

"Language" my mom says

"Okay okay"

"Now listen .. They have nothing on you .. But if they come fore you get ready" Marc says

"I will be! Cause my girlfriends dad is the head chief baby!" I smirk

"Ex" Marco coughs

I glance at him

"Just be safe baby girl" my parents say and I'm off to Diamonds house

I knock and she comes to the door

"Heyy" she smiles and hugs me. She's wearing grey sweats, taxis, a bra & she straightened her hair looking as sexy as ever.

"Just chillin?" I look her up and down

"You know" she laughs leading me to her room

We sit on her bed and I look at her

"What?" She blushes

"Nothin" I smile

"Whatttttt?" She looks at me

"You're so fuckin beautiful"

She blushes and kisses me

"Can I ask you something?" I look at her

"Yes?" She looks at me wide-eyed

"NO NO it's nothing bad!" I reassure her

"Oh okay" she looks more calmer

"Diamond Janae West .. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her smiling

She looks at me smiling so hard for a minute and then looking doubtful the next

"What?" I look at her

"I just .. Don't want things to be how they were before Jenner .. I want you to be COMPLETELY MINE & nobody else's. I don't wanna hear about these hoes and you and some other bitch fuckin, or goin out" she let's a tear drop

"Hey .. Hey" I wipe it away "Listen .. All I honestly want is you .. On some real shit Diamond"

I get on my knees

"girl you bet not be askin me to marry you" she looks at my funny still crying

"NOOOOO" I laugh hella hard gettin up. "It's a promise ring"

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