Chapter 17- Answers

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The phone rings & rings until she answers

"Hello?" The voice says on the other line

"Heyy .. Listen um .. Im sorry" I tell her

"No .. I should be sorry" she tells me

"No it's me .. I didn't give you a chance to explain" I say

"I didn't give you a chance either J" she tells me

"I guess we were both wrong" I say

"Yeah .. But I was more wrong, I shouldn't have run you over with my crazy ass, I'm sorry" she continues

"And I should have kept my hormones under control" I say

"Can we .. Meet up?" She asks

"Yeah sure" I say "come through, we'll walk and talk babe" I say

"You .." She was about to say but I cut her off "I meant Diamond .. Sorry"

"Uhm .. It's all good" she sounds dissapointed "meet you in an hour"

I listened to what Hope said & I guess all relationships go through ups and downs but instead of avoiding it and not talking about it. We'll never know the truth.

Val over heard me on the phone

"You just can't keep it in your pants!! & I knew this would happen that's why I had a 3some with jayvion & Lucardo!!" She yells

"You what?" I look at her "I ain fuck nobody when I was with you"

"Oh" she look stupid

"You slept with them mf?" I say

"Jenner .. It was an accident" she says

"How do you sleep with someone .. Matter fact PEOPLE on accident, if yo ass wanted the dick shoulda stayed with that goofy lookin ass nigga" I sit down

"Baby please don't do this" she tries to hug me

"Imma need yo triflin ass to back on up off me" I push that bitch with the force of God.

"Jenner baby please don't do this" she starts crying

"And to think you actually changed was stupid of me. You a hoe smdh virgin my ass" I laugh "fuck outta here with that bullshit"

She backs up & starts to walk out the door sobbing "But Jenner I"

"You still here? Fuck out my presence!" I say

She's starts walking off through the door.

"Oh & last thing. I had my boy Anthony read up on yo ol boy while I was goin out with you to see if he had any std's you might wanna get checked out" I say

I slam the door. Her triflin ass wanna a have a 3some with 2 niggas who prolly got a heap of STDs from fuckin all them thotties, go right ahead.

Fuck bitch, can't trust these hoes I swear. I gave my trust to the wrong person.

Next thing you know my door bell rang & D was at my door beautiful as always. She had on a baige dress & heels & her hair was straightend.

"Hey" she smiles looking down like she always does

"Hi" I smile back

"Listen I'm" I cut her off

I kiss her deeply & she's holding onto me giving in kissing me back

We back up & look at each other for a while & enjoy each other's presence

"I'm still sorry" she hugs me

"I should be too" I say

She starts crying & I hold her close to me

"Why are you crying?" I ask her

"Because I love you so much Jenner & it hurt so much not to have you around & it hurt that I hurt you" she's holding on to me tightly

"Truth is I love you too & the fact that I hurt you too didn't make it any better than yours. Pain is pain" I say "we gotta forgive & start over"

I wipe her tears away

"Do you wanna go for that walk now?" I ask smiling

She smiles back "yess"

We walk out my door & down the street. I glance over at her & she's so so beautiful. I can tell she's nervous because she's looking down a lot.

"Do you wanna start over?" She looks at me

"Well it depends" I say

She looks over at me & I look back at her

"Oh God, I won't hit you with a car again!" She looks worried

"I was playing" I laugh

"Oh okay good" she said

She stops me

"Yes" I look at her

"Well .. What are we gonna do?" She asks

"Well first I have to ask Mark not to sue yo daddy && Idk be friends first again & see where that goes okay D"

"You know?" She says silently

"What? About Mr.King? Yeah I know" I laugh

"I didn't want you to know" she says

"And why?" I look at her

"Because when your dads a cop, you don't get to hang with people like you" she looks down

"I woulda hung out with you anyway regardless of what he does but DAMN is that nigga scary"

She starts laughing "ruining my relationships since 2011"

"Well he ain gon get rid of me that easy" I say

"We aren't in a relationship though" she smirks

"Oh yeah right" say gently pushing her

"Watch it" she pushes me back

All of a sudden it starts raining. Fawkkk I can't get my cast wet for shit

"Damn" I say

She's not wearing anything but her dress, no sweater or jacket so I give her mine & put it around her.

"J your cast!!" She takes it off her

"I'll be fine, here!" I wrap it back around her & tuck my arm under my shirt

"Thank you" she kisses my cheek

I glance over "did you really come visit me in the hospital?"

"Yeah but your parents didn't let me see you!, did you get my letter?" She asks

"Yeah they gave it to me Yesterday" I say laughing

"Yesterday?" She laughs too

"Yup" I put my arm around her "would you like me to drop you off home?" I ask

"That would be lovely" she smiles

We get to her front porch and we stand in the rain for a while. Not knowing what to do.

"Well .. I'll see you later" I say & I start to walk away. She puls me back & kisses me.

"Bye" she smiles blushing mad hard

She runs into her house & I walk back to mine. What a day I smile to myself. I swear I love her short ass but my feelings so confused. I need a plan .. No .. THEE plan

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