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Since Thanksgiving is in a couple of weeks & we always go to DR to visit mi abuelita and mi tíos y tías. I love it there so much, I mean it's half of me.
That's mainly what I love about Thanksgiving; spending in half there and half here. Usually before I leave Val hangs out with me but this year is going to be all the way different. Especially what happened a couple days ago at Redd man.

"Obviously you smashed J" Marco's looking at me

"Nahhhhhh, ol girl wasn't even like that" I'm smirking

"Mmmmmm here we go with that side smirk again" he says

"I am not" .." Well maybe I am"

"YOU ARE!!" He's adamant about it

"Okay .. I ALMOST smashed shawty but I wanted to wait because it was just something different about her" I say gushy

"I knew it Jenner .. You catchin feelins for ol' girl" He Palm faces

"Just a little" I say putting my fingers in a little motion squeezing air to show him how little.

"I bet if Diamond asked you out, you'd be like yess daddy" he says testing my boundaries

"FIRST .. FIRST I wouldn't say yes daddy to no other shawty, IM DADDIE. That's FIRST & SECOND who said I ain ask shawty out first" I feel all confident.

"Damn, for a fem you are really pushy & studdish" he says laughing

"&& for a gay you're very mannish, aye my rules are my rules. I'm not like every other fem && plus Marco I dress two ways hoe so STEM!" I say laughing

"I guess that's true" he opens the door "Rules, rules rules .. But don't forget I predicted the future" he says leaving

"Man BYE" I say "CLOSE MY FRONT DOOR TOO" I yell towards the stairs

"WHATEVER" he yells back

I swear I love my boy more than anything, Marco will forever be my blood brother idc idc idc.

Next thing I know someone's knocking at my door as soon as I lay back down on my bed

"I'm coming!!" I yell

I open the door & Diamond is standing there more gorgeous than ever. Her hair was naturally out & She was wearing black skinny jeans with a sexy ass blouse and Taxi's. Her smile caught me & hooked me in.

"Hi" she smiles shyly

"Hey" I say softly

I look a hot mess, I wasn't expecting this visit

"How'd you find out where I lived?" I feel a little creeped out

"Marco texted me & told me that you wanted me to come over" she looks down again

She's so shy, it's so adorable although she shouldn't be after what happened a couple days ago.

"Oh .. Come in" I say "Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back" i dash up the stairs to my room. I gotta find something to wear.

I grab my white joggers, my black shirt & my bred 11's. My hairs already out so
Idgaf bout that.

"Back" I say kinda outta breath cause I was rushing

"Was this you as a kid?" She asks me

"Yeah" I'm all embarrassed "young Jenn" I say

"You were adorable" she says gushing at my toddler cuteness

I sit next to her "thank you"

"Awwwww look at Marco" she says

"Yeah we are some adorable twins" I say

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