Sex Files- Part II

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I only stayed in the DR for a couple days .. It's Sunday now but I haven't told Diamond I'm back yet. Only Marco knows.

"We need to write a new plan Marc" I tell him

"180 days revised?" He lights his blunt & sits back on my bed

I take it from him "pretty much but for two girls"

"Okay let's write day 1" he says

___________________________Day 1: Keep them away from each other by any means. ________________________

"Nigga is we writing a 180 day plan to get the girl or how to cheat diary?" I lay back laughing

"I'm serious !! Under your circumstances this might be the only way"

"But why can't we just start at day 136" I grab the plan and flip to page 136 "it says that once were in and out of the friendzone to get a little playful action" I say

"Yeah well you're pretty good at that" he sits up laughing

"Shut up! It was one time!" I open my windows.

"Whatever .. Well you got your playful action Wednesday so continue"

_________________________ Day 1: Get playful Action. ✔️

Day 2: If blackmailed by an old flame, counter blackmail & keep your main chick

Day 3: (assuming that all that bullshit is over) Take your girlfriend out to dinner and show her how special she is to you

Day 4: Bring flowers to school with you and surprise her in the morning ________________________


"Well .. I thought about it & it makes sense under my 'circumstances' just for the second day!" I stick my tounge out.

"Yeah whatever .. You ain even tell your girlfriend you're back in the states" he looks out the window & gets wide-eyed "Speaking of your girlfriend .. Here she comes now" he laughs hysterically

"Ah shit!" I look out the window "do you think she knows I'm here?" I ask him

"Probably not"

"Okay good .. Just don't answer the door" I say

*Ding Ding* my doorbell rings about 6 times

"She's leaving" Marco peaks out

"Good" I slump back in my chair "I'm happy my parents went to the store cause that woulda been a dead give away"

"True that" Marco says

"We have to go to Val's house again" I say

"Yeah .. I remember" he sits back down

I put on my emoji joggers, my white tee, white cons & a black fitted. My hairs is in it's natural state & i really don't wanna do it right now.

"Okay let's go" I grab my keys since Marco don't wanna drive today.

It's actually a good time to go over there, it's 6:00 & it's almost dark but the only thing is I have to make it to her room & some how put her phone in between the couch cushions or something. I'm surprised she didn't use the find my phone app or whatever.

I knock on her door & she comes out with some lingerie on. I prayed to GAWD man. Her thick ass is fine asfffff. Lawd have mercy.

She pulls me into the house by my jacket & I'm glad cause her next door neighbor Mr.Feg be snitchin & I don't want Papa Porter to find out about what's bout to happen in his house.

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