Chapter 30 - Almost Graduation

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"Baby .. I want you to know that I love you okay" Diamond puts both her hands on my face

"I love you too" I smile "I just can't believe we're going to be graduating soon"

"I know it feels like we just got in here" she says

"It really does .. Like damn what's gonna happen now?"


The drinks start flowing and the blunt is being passed. This party is jumping, like jumping jumping

"Hey J" Kayla smiles at me

"There's my beautiful smile" I cup her chin laughing

"Always here when you need it" she kisses my cheek

"I'm glad" I give her a hug "I'll be back later"

"Okay" she smiles "see you around"

She looks disappointed but I gotta goooo

I go back over to my shawty with her fine self

"Baby I missed youuuu" she kisses me

I kissed her back "Just circling around the party"

"Don't be circling toooo much" she laughs

"I'm jus cruisin" I say

"When are y'all gonna get married omg!" This girl says

"Soon I hope" she says "I mean like after we get out of college"

"I agree" I say "this is my forever girl"

She kisses me & hugs me tightly. I smile & feel my phone vibrate

I get a text message

Kayla😍: Meet me on the deck


"I'll be back babe" I leave Diamond again

"Alright baby hurry ya ass back"

I walk towards the patio door

"So what does the Kay want?" I ask coming up behind her

"To do this" she turns around & kisses me

I kiss her back & pull her close to me

Her body's rubbing against the back of the deck now & the kissing gets more intense

"I've been lowkey waiting for that too" I laugh

"I know .. I jus knew I couldn't but I couldn't hold it in anymore" she says shyly

"I knew one of us was gonna make the move"

Honestly .. I really did know one of us was gonna start getting into each other .. I've wanted to mess around with Kayla ever since I laid eyes on her but I knew it wasn't right. Idek what I want right now tbh. I want my girl .. I want Kay ... I just don't know.

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