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After another 2 weeks, I get out of the hospital. No serious damage but a broken arm, which is better than anything else right now. Not too much time has passed by since the summer & I'm actually comfortable with my sexuality like I knew I would be .. It's just that all these events are killing me. Like I had a girlfriend she was perfect until she pulled that shit && then there's Valerie my new girlfriend & I'm not so sure I want to be with her like that anymore. To me it was just a fantasy. I can't keep up with my feelings. I want everything right now .. This is why I'm going on this little retreat with my parents .. Away from everyone. I need time to heal & reflect on life.

"This is going to be amazing" my mom tells me " you're gonna be fine by the time we get outta here"

We drive some ways to get to Meditation nation & it's far far away like I want it to be.

"Okay we're here" Dad tells us
We get out the car & go to the front

"Teens in the back, Adults in the front" this weird looking man says "I'm chuck by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Diane, this is my husband Leonardo & this is my daughter Jenner" My mom tells Chuck

"Well Jenner .. Amina will show you your way around the teen section.. Just walk that way"

"Bye sweetheart have a good time" they tell me

"Hi, I'm Amina" this beautiful girl comes around the corner

"J .. Jenner" I say shyly

This brown skin gawdess my goodness, she was fine ashhhh. She had a tattoo on her navel. She had gorgeous hazel eyes, long brown hair, big lips & a fit ass body (you could tell she works out). She was wearing a crop top that said 'Meditation nation' & some sweats.

"Haha I know you probably don't wanna be here but-" she stops "unless you wanna be here" Amina says slowing down, looking at me.

"Yeah .. I want to be here" I look into her eyes "been through a lot these last couple months"

"Like what?" She asks motioning me to follow her to teen cabin

"Well first .. My best friend, Valerie, who I had a crush on led me on & set me up. Then I meet the most perfect girl, then I almost get dumped, THEN Val blackmails me which led me to do some horrible shit to Diamond who then hit me with her 5,000 ton car & I ended up in the hospital where I was in a coma for like a week then Val confesses that she has feelings for me & asks me to be her girlfriend & I said yes outta hero's syndrome & idk what to do no more .. I'm just stressed out about it"

Amina's looking at me wide-eyed & confused but then her face eases up
"That's a lot to go through"

"Yeah .. I'm just thankful I'm ALIVE!" I look around

"You should be" she looks at my arm "anyways this is the dorms & I'll be your room mate" she says laughing

"That's actually a good thing, you're chill" I walk inside the building

Yeah she's chill AND sexy asf, I'll definantly enjoy her being my roommate

We walk into our dorm 617 & I put my stuff down

"You're gorgeous" Amina looks at me again

"Ha thanks, so are you" I gotta play this cool

"Thank you" she blushes & looks down "I should probably take you out to the first activity with Master Black" she motions me again

"What is it?" I ask

"It's meditation.."

"Will I be able to do that?" I look at my arm

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