Short Talk

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A week passes before I talk to anyone, I stayed home from school all week & I've been sitting in the dark listening to Sade. The aftermath is funny in a way .. Only because I just now realized that they really were trying to protect me from Val's evil wrath .. It wasn't there intention to hurt me but I took it the wrong way .. They were trying to protect me.

"Jenner .. You have to come out of the dark someday sweetie" my mom calls up to me

I don't answer .. I haven't been answering all week long .. To anyone. They came by & my mom told them I wasn't here or I wasn't feeling up to company. 1,467 unread messages, 678 missed calls & 50,000 twitter, snapchat, IG & Kik notifications. Atleast they care ..

I've just been strung on the fact that Val actually has feelings for me & broke up with Jayvion because of it && I can't believe Diamond asked me out. This is to much to juggle for one girl. My minds chaotic.

There has to be a way I can please
Myself & please both of them cause I honestly like both of them but two-timing results in a deadly aftermath always. You've seen snapped before!! It doesn't end well.

My dad knocks on my door

"Baby girl can I come in?"

After all week of not talking I finally manage to let out a "yeah"

He comes in & sits on the edge of my bed.

"Baby girl .. I know it's hard sometimes to express our feelings .. But right now we gotta express our feelings" he says softly in his gentle voice.

I look at him & he sighs

"J .. What's going on with you"

I had no choice but to open up to him

"Well .. It's just that my squad lied to me & then I found out that Val had feelings for me for a while & that's why she broke up with Jayvion THEN the new girl that Ive been kicking it with, Diamond gave me an ultimatum & I broke Mami's vase".

He hugs me close to him

"Sometimes these things happen mija & we have to deal with them .. If these problems didn't happen we wouldn't be human" he tells me "now what you're going to do is follow your heart. I know for a fact your crew wouldn't tentionally hurt you & you know deep inside who you want to be with .. Just make the right choice" he finishes "I love you" he kisses me on the forehead & gets up.

"Dinner is downstairs for you, it's almost done" he says

"Thanks Dad" I tell him

I think about what he said & honestly my heart picks Diamond because I feel like her & I are connected in a way that no one else could feel. But also I feel like Val & I been through so much shit that my trust with her went 100-0 real quick. But honestly .. I still don't know who I want Val or Diamond

I pick up my phone & call .. Her

///Who do you guys think Jenner will call first Val or Diamond? Comment & don't forget to vote & follow!! -Mp///

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