Case building

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I need to go see my baby before I do all this shit. My parents drop me off at Val's house & i gotta be back in the morning

"J what's wrong?" She asks me

"I just want to be with you right now"

She puts her hands around my neck & kisses me "Something's wrong"

"Nothing" I look into her green eyes

"I can't help you unless you tell me babe, I hate when you do this" she tries to keep my attention

"I just want you" I kiss her

She kisses me back & it starts to get heated, she starts backing me up the stairs & we fall

"Sorry" she straddles my lap & we're damn near bout to fuck on the stairs

"No we landed in the right position" I continue making out with her.

She starts kissing my neck & I let out a little gasp

"You likey" she laughs hard asf

"A little" I say i laugh

We finally manage to make it to her room, she lays down on her bed & looks at me biting her lip.

"I want you" She starts taking her shirt off.

Now she's completely topless & of course she has amazing boobs. Like heavenly.

"Come here" she motions me towards her

I hesitate, I don't just want to fuck her right now.

"Jenner we've been here before .. What's wrong" She's doing the pout face.

"Because last time I was on a mission & this time I really want to make love to you .." I hold back " I want to wait & do this right with you. You don't know how many girls I been with & the only strangest strong feelings I have are for you & I don't wanna be rough with you"

I can't believe I just said that .. I've been tooooooooo honest lately ever since the accident

She looks at me & hugs me close to her "wow .. I love you too"

I look down "you have great boobs by the way"

"Stop" she starts laughing crying "come cuddle with me"

I get in the bed & cuddle with her

"Can you switch arms babe, your cast is rough" she looks at me

"My bad" I say switching positions

she kisses my hand "I don't know what's bothering you but I want you to know that you're safe with me"

I hold her even closer and that's when she kissed my cheek "goodnight babe"

We wake up in the morning in the same position

"Are you out of your feelings yet?" She asks me laughing

Come to think of it, I'm horny & hungry & calmer.

"Well, I'm hungry" I look at her

"I know what you can eat" she's smirking devilishly

"Oh do you?"

She climbs on top of me "yesss" she kisses me

"Valerie" her mom comes in

She pushes me to the side of the bed quickly

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