Club Redd

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It's Friday and that means freedom. Even though it's the morning, I can't wait for that bell to ring. I meet up with my squad in the hallway. Other than Marco we have a whole squad family and I love them (Kim, Domo, Raine, King, Christian, Jay, Zaliya, China, Hope , Jayda, Anthony, Justin & Siah). Kim's like the mom of the squad. I'm the singing daredevil, Domo is hella tough, Raine is the reason, King is the muscle, Christian is the jokester, Jay is the dancin ass nigga, Jayda artistic ash, Anthony the same as jayda but with Bronz, Zaliya that psycho bitch, China the baller & she mind her own business, Justin's fashion, fashion, fashion, Marco a singer too & he the problem solver, Siah the rapper dude nice & Hope has no filter. We all been down since Freshman year and remained the same. Even through the breakout of Val & Zaliya (they were bestfriends too). That shit was crazy man. They fought hella hard, shidd I even posted it on worldstar. My squad still surprised I'm friends with Valerie so I don't really mention her much unless they ask me if I still have a crush on her. Which I still do obviously but I can't say that shit. Anyways I'm about to let Diamond meet the squad.

"Guys .. This Diamond" I say smilin hard

"Hey" they say in unison

"Hi" she says all shy and sweet

"Somebody gotta crush" Raine whispers

"Obvious ash" Domo inputs

"STFUUU" I say mad loud

I look at them like 'make ol girl feel welcomed' & they attempt to ring her into the squad circle while me & Marco go for a walk

"I see you feelin ol girl" he says

"Yeah" I smile & cock my head to the side thinkin bout her "we talked on the phone for like 3 hours last night"

"Damn that's a long time! Yo ass prolly fell asleep" he says

"Nahhh I actually stayed up!!" I say

"Shocker" he says rolling his eyes

"Heyy" I say "she's nice .. But I still haven't found out what she likes yet"

"Ask her tonight when we go to Redd"

"Trueee, that might work" I say

The bell rings & I have art class without Marco sadly but with both of them & by them I mean Diamond & Val

"I got Gym" he says

"Art" I say "... With both of them"

"Well I kno damn sure you ain't funna talk to Valerie"

"Of course not .." Ughhh I may be hooked up on her but I really can't be now. Whatever though

"Ms.King you're late" Mrs.Jordan says to me as I walk in ONE MINUTE LATE. Smdh I hate when teachers be like you late & the bell just JUST rang.

"Jenner" Diamond waves me over

"Heyy" I say smiling

All we do in art class is sit at some tables and draw pictures for weeks on end until she gives another assignment. Right now were just drawing celebrities & I'm drawing Drake cause that's my dude, he's the inspiration for some of my musical techniques along with Micheal Jackson & Chris Brown.
As I walk past the tables Val is looking at me sideways. She could suck a dick tho.
there's one small thing I forgot to mention about why I didn't decide to make a move on Val till this year ... She had a boyfriend since freshman year & they 'allegedly' broke up (so my anonymous source says) && now she's diggin this Thomas guy? & then she gon kiss me & get scared? Fvck out my face with that fufu confusin ahh B.S

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