Chapter 16 - Letters

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The next morning Mark comes over again but my parents are sleep so I let him in

"Jenner Jenner" he says in that business voice

"Mark Mark"

"Jenner .. Word of advice .. Please stop picking crazy ass girls to fuck with" he laughs

"Boy have I heard that a lot" I laugh

"See you wouldn't have gotten hit by a car my man. Or when that girl Heather tried to set your parents house on fire" he laughs "bad BAD taste in girls"

"I like my girls hot & spicy, she taste sweeter that way" I stick my tongue out

"You can handle that J?" He's laughing

"Never encountered anything I can't handle"

"I guess that's true for you kid" he pulls out his brief case

"Always true for me" I say

I like my girls spicy with a little flair & honestly everyone of those girls I picked, head game too strong, pussy too bomb. I must congratulate myself, I laugh at the thought. They some sexual ass freaks & I'm a sexual ass beast.

"What's so funny?" Mark looks around

"Nothing" I laugh "just my thoughts"

"Okay then .." He looks at me strange getting getting out the files "now I've analyzed the files & our chances of winning are very high. Might even get Officer West fired"

"Damn we really packed in evidence" I say

"You did. But if we can get one more statement" he pauses

"I can get that .. Trust me" I say

"J .. Just be careful" he gives me a file of all the things we have "just a copy"

Mark leaves & says he'll be back later cause he has to work with another client.

Then another knock on my door

"J bear" she kisses me

"Val" I kiss her back

"Get dressed we're going to the mall" she kisses my cheek

"I'd love to but" she cuts me off

"No buts . We're going" We walk up the stairs to my room "now strip" she commands

"Yes master, would you like a show too?" I ask her sarcastically

"Strip babe!" She barks

"Damn okay okay" I start changing my clothes

She runs her hand down my spine & it sent a shiver through my body

"We gotta match so you gotta wear black" she giggles

I put on my white jeans with my black tee & my taxi's. Too bad I can't fit my leather jacket right now because of my arm.

"Now we have to take a pic for the gram" she kisses me

She really force when it comes to relationships .. Let's take pictures doing this this this. She stay kissin on me at random times & all the other annoying things she does but I low key love it & plus I love her so sometimes it don't really matter

After about 400 pictures we finally leave

"Mama .. Daddy I'm leaving with Val okay?"

"Okay sweet heart" my parents say

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