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"You guys know why you're here" Ms.Deamonte says

"No Ms.D, why are we here?" I ask

"Don't play stupid Jenner" she tells me

"No really .. Why are we here?" Domo asks

"Do you see this young man's face?" DT. Hayek asks

"Yes but what about it?" Jay asks

"Look kids .. We're going to get to the bottom of this .. Right now. Detective Hayek & Johanson & I are going to question you kids .. Let's begin"

"Jenner you're up first" Ms.D says

Squad looks at me intently & they know by the look in my eyes I'm bout bullshit it all.

Case #1: Jenner King
"Jenner .. Jenner .. Jenner"
DT Hayek says "Where were you this morning between 7:30-9:15 am?"

"Nigga you ain even read me my rights! I ain answering shit" I learned that on How to get away with murder. That's ma show haha.


"Well .. Y'all questioning me!" I say

"I'll erase your preeminent record" Ms.Deamonte says

"Oh word?" I ask

"ONLY if you cooperate !" She says

"Did y'all get this on that tape recorder ?" I ask

"Yes" detective Hayek says

"Okay Good, I'll spill then .. I was in the hall with my Brother & my girlfriend" I say

"What's your brothers name?" Dt. johanson asks


"And what's your girlfriends name?"


"So .. You were just in the halls huh?" They ask

"Yeah .. Like every other morning nothing's changed" I say.

"Do you know Valerie Porter?"

"Yes .. But not that much"

"Ohhh that's not what we heard. We heard you had a thing for Ms.Porter"

"Never" I say "how could I have a thing for someone I barely know?"

"Do you know Jayvion?" They ask

"Not really, never met the guy in my life" I say

"What wing were you in this morning Jenner?"

"Uhhh .. West wing"

"West wing huh?" They ask

"Yeah .. West wing by the cafe" I say

They're taking notes on the little pad things & recording our conversation.

"So you wouldn't mind taking a polygraph test then would you Jenner? .. You know to verify this thing" They ask me

I look them in the eyes "not at all" I say

"Okay .. No further questions .. We'll call for the polygraph after we question everyone else" Ms.Deamonte says.

Case #2: Marco Christian

"Mr.Christian .. Where were you this morning between 7:30 - 9:15am?" DT. Hayek asks

"I was with my sister Jenner & My friend Diamond" I say

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