Chapter 3- Today

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Today's the day that Val is coming over, I jus wanna fvck her but I know that will probably never happen. It's 3pm & I don't know what to do. I mean it's not the first time Val came over. I clean up a little bit, order some pizza, open netflix up on my tv (knowing her, she'd probably go to my room first). I'm wearing some joggers, a white tee & my Oreo jordans. I made sure my hair was hella straight and my makeup was on fleek. *ding Ding* I hear my doorbell.

"Jennerrrrr" she says


She hugs me for like what seems like forever & she's wearing a short dress and some flats, hair laid. She rushes in past me & goes up to my room. I follow behind her. She smells so good man.

"What do you wanna watch Jenner" she asks me , flipping through netflix

"Ummmmm anything" I tell her

She goes to a title & picks it

"Let's watch this" she says

And if course it's the best gay girl movie of all time 'I can't think straight' . I think she knows .. Or maybe she wants me to hint .. Ughhh I can't over think

"Sure" I tell her as I pull out my phone & text Marco

Jenner: She picked a gay movie 😩😩

Marco; that's good then👏

Jenner: NOOOO, like it has me wondering .. Does she know or is she what I think she is 😫

Marco: stop over thinking Jenner

Jenner: I just keep over thinking it, i want to know and asking her right now is not an option

Marco: Just chill out and enjoy the movie, try phase 128 and then play around with it

Jenner: right .. I'll tell you what happens okay

As I put my phone down my doorbell rings again. I guess it must be the pizza guy. I get up. Go downstairs and grab the pizza. While talking to myself

"Get it together Jenner, damn .. You're Jenner King. JENNER KING. You never let anything hold you back. Get out there and put that game face on. LETS GO!!" I gave myself a lil pep talk before going upstairs .. I needed that though.

She looks so fine, I can't think straight right now. I'm gonna make plan 128 work since we skipped so many days.

"Got the pizza" I say smiling

"Yess Jenner always thinking ahead" she says smirking

She gets up and puts a finger underneath me chin, I back up.

"Well .. We don't want the pizza to get cold" I say

"What's wrong Jenner, why are you acting so weird?"

"Nothing" I tell her "why you ask that?"

"Cause . I don't know" she says

I hate when she does this, I just want her to tell me straight up.

She sits back down on the bed & takes the pizza from my hand.

"You look cute btw" she tells me

"Obviously" I say laughing cocky "Nah just kidding, you look cute too ig"

"You guess" she says smirking

She puts down her pizza & pounces on me & were wrestling on the floor. I flip her over

"Yeah, I guess!!" I say

She flips me over & now I'm on my back & she's on top of me.

"You know I'm fonee" she says running her hands down her physic

She's got my hands pinned down on the floor "Yeah, so fine" I say sarcastically. I can't get up, I ain't know shawty was this strong.

"Whatever" she says looking down at me. For a moment she pauses & she looks in my eyes. I got a weird feeling when she did that. She looked at me and brought her face down to mine, she kissed me. Like .. Passionately kissed me. I was shocked & the fact that she was wearing a short ass dress wasn't helping either, could see what was under there. Like Under there.

"Woah .." I was hella shocked, I mean I wanted it but I was hella shocked.

"I'm ... " she pauses

"What just .." I pause & look at her

She's panicking

"Woah woah, calm down Val" I tell her

She gets off of me & I get up trying to calm her down.

"Yo it's okay" I tell her

"Jenner .." She puts her hands on my shoulder. "Shhhhh" she tells me

"Why?" I say, like I'm so confused right now. BRUH. She looks in my eyes again. Goshhhh her green eyes kill me. Like I get lost in her.

"Cause if you keep talking, imma make you shhhhh" She says

"Valerieeeee" I say weak, she's making me weak right now, I don't even know what the plan is anymore.

"Shhhhh" she says and puts her finger on my lip

"Nope" I say & turn my head.

She puts a finger under my chin and kisses me again, longer. So much emotion put into one kiss man. I let her kiss me & I kissed her back.

"Damn Val .. Can I breathe" I say smiling.

She giggles & stares at me shyly. She's so fvcking cute when she does that. It's the little things she does that make me weak.

"I have to go" she says

"But it's only been 7 hours" I say

"But .. I have to go .. Walk me downstairs?"

I walk her downstairs and open my front door. She kisses my cheek and heads for her house. I can't believe what just happend bruh. I lean against my front door, dazed, happy, confused, excited and much more. I text Marco


Marco: SHUT UP😯, no way Jenner

Jenner: YASSSS she pinned me down & kissed me

Marco: well looks like were already down to the last page

Jenner: I know ..

Marco: let's make a new plan then

Jenner: I agree, like a get the relationship plan kinda

Marco: our 280 day plan will relive !!!

Jenner: of course Marco !! && bro we have to get your Boy

Marco: uhhh Steven will never talk to me Jenner

Jenner; we gon make another 280 day plan for you to get the boy

Marco: never fails

Jenner: Okay , Marc come over tommorow so we can discuss.

Marco: Iight Jen, see you on the flip side

After texting Marco, I go up to my room & messed around with my piano, making melodies and songs cause I'm too geeked right now. It was just ahhhhhh I can't explain it. Her lips against mine? Uhhhh lips so soft. A bitch almost had a heart attack. Mmmmmm.

This moment started up the idea for a new plan, 280 day plan. Day 1 starts tommorow, here's wages going to happen.


Day 1: Find her & get some answers for what happend.


This day is simple I hope. Anyways how could it not be? I'm J.K. JENNER KING. This King shit.

Anyways I remember I have to show the new girl around on Monday cause Ms.DeaMonte asked me. She better be cute shiddd.

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