Sex-Files: Part I

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Jenner; Babe can I come over? 😏

Val; Yes 😻😻

Jenner; Good😘, be ready 💦

I know how to make Val tick & this was her icing on the cake she stole. This plan has to go right or I'm screwed. Marco's here so were going over the plan.

"Okay so .. When you have her on the bed .. Reach over to her desk & grab the flash drives .. CDs whatever. Then on the floor grab her phone." Marco says

"What if they're in her draw?" I ask

"Well .. You fucked sis"

"Se .. pero" I say

"No buts" he says "we gotta do this right the first time or you gotta go in a second time .. Simple"

I put on my black jeans, black heels, black tee & black leather jacket. My hairs straight & I look as fine as ever.

"Yeah .. Yeah" I say

In all this discussion about Val, I forgot about shawty's feelings .. I'm just not gonna tell her at all .. It'll all be over before it started.

"What you thinkin about?" He asks


"Figured" he said ".. She won't know"
He's putting on his black suit so he camo's in the darkness.

"But Marc .. I love her" I say "& honestly I don't wanna do anything that would hurt her" I reach for my keys on the table

"I know J .. This is totally different though .. This is blackmail"

"Let's go.."

I really don't wanna do this at all .. I don't wanna kno what Val got under her clothes anymore, she may be hella sexy n shit but D is too & quite frankly I don't wanna fuck over some blackmail.

"Imma stay in the car & keep guard" he says

"Fine .."

I drive to Val's house & I park across the street so Marco can look through the window .. 'Stick to the plan' .

I ring her doorbell & she comes out & kisses me. I wrap my arms around her waist & feel on her booty. SHE GOT THE CAKEEEE!!

"Mmmmm" she moans in my mouth & moves one of my hands to her waistband of her sweatpants.

I move my hands a little further down & I push her into the doorway of her house. I close the door & back her up against it. I kiss down her neck & kiss back up & I kiss her again.

"Jenner .." she let's out a little moan

A little foreplay won't hurt, I'm too caught up in the moment & I really want to fuck Val right now .. So bad.

I lift her up so her legs are around my waist. Were kissing real hard like we're looking for something in each other.

I feel her phone in her pocket & I know what I have to do next. As I'm holding her against the wall I lift her shirt over her head.

"Woah .." I say .. Her features are stupid crazy .. She had to wear this for me.

"Just shut up & kiss me" she says

I kiss her and slowly slowly slide her phone out her pocket. I slowly plant kisses on her jawline & suck on her neck. She's grinding against me as I continue to hold her up.

"J .." She's moaning softly tilting her head back every time I kiss on her.

I manage to slip her phone out her pocket & put it in my back pocket.

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