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"Jenner, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry" I hear Val choking up tears "I shouldn't have blackmailed you .. I shouldn't have done those things to you" she's rubbing my hair gently looking at me

"No .. I should've jumped in front of the car or pushed you out the way sis, I didn't know she was gonna run you over" Marco feels equally guilty

I feel weak .. Very weak. I try to raise my finger, but I can't. I try to let out a little noise so they can hear me.

"Jenner sweetheart!" My parents rush over to me "are you okay?"

I slowly nod my head.

"Baby im so sorry" Val tells me, rubbing my hair back

"Mmmmmm" I manage to let out


"Sis, I'm glad you're awake man" Marco tells me

A couple days go by & in that time my squad stops by & check on me, my aunts, uncle, even my grandma came up to see me from DR. I was glad to see all this support coming through. Right now I think it's Friday but I'm not sure. I lost track of the days really & I can't talk so. Every night Valerie stayed in the hospital bed with me. Marco sat in the chair on the side of me & my parents laid on the couch in front of me. They never left my side.

"Jenner .. I love you. I'm so sorry" Val is still crying over me after day 6 again.

"I .. Love you too" I say

"JENNER .. YOURE TALKING YOU" my parents scream in excitement

"Yes .." I tell them "it's about time .. I like talking" I joke around

"I knew this couldn't hold you back sis!" Marco tells me

"Of course not" I say

"Honey you've been sleep for like a week" my parents tell me

"No way" I say

"Yeah man" Marco says to me laughing at my reaction

"WELP guess I won't need sleep for a couple days #TeamNoSleep" I laugh

"Jenner?" Val asks

"Yeah?" I look over smiling

She kisses me gently & my parents start snappin pictures n shit

"GUYSSSSSSS" I yell at my parents

"I think you guys are meant to be" My dad says

"I'm still mad at her tho" I say

"Why?" She asks

"Well .. First you blackmailed me .. && if you didn't do that I wouldn't be in this situation" I turn back around

"I kno I'm sor-" I cut her off

"BUT you made me see ol girl for who she really was so .."

She hugs me but not too tight cause I'm still a lil fragile

"Jenner .. I want you & I want to be with you. I'm always gonna be by your side & I can say I was a little jealous of whatever her name is cause she had you. Truth be told I deleted those videos the first day that shit happend but I knew you would be sneaky enough to come to my house & steal the files && I knew that you took my phone cause I tracked it. But honest to god. I love you so much && the day that you told me that you had feelings I freaked out because I didn't want to accept those feelings but once I realized that I was being an asshole about it & telling you all those horrible things. In the process I fell in love with you too. That's why I was so mean to you. I hate myself for holding back to much & making you have mixed feelings but right now I'm asking you Jenner Casey King will you be my girlfriend? "

Val finishes her speech & my heart is over flowing with emotions. I start crying .. Omg. I can't say yes because that would be to easy. I don't know what to do.

"Well Honey?" My mom asks me

I look at Marco & he's looking like 'she stood by you day & night in this got damn hospital girl'

Me & Val never really had to put a label on us but I guess its right, right now.

"Yes.." I say proudly

Fuck the plan ...

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