Chapter 23 - Games

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"I hate you !" She grabs my controller

"Don't be mad cause you lost!" I laugh at her

"You can't just kill me like that" she punches my arm

"Yes I can" I try to kiss her but she's lit

"No" she pushes my face away

"BABYY it's just a game!" I lean in one more time

"I know!" She gets up and goes to sit on my chair

"Then why you takin it so seriously?" I look at her intently

"I'm not" she sucks her teeth

"Yes you are" I go after her & wrap my arms around her

"Don't touch me betch" she imitates the little kid on vine

"Shut up" I laugh hella hard

She laughs with me

"Okay. If I win this time you have to take me to Kevin's party with you tonight" she looks at me intently

Not thinking of it I take her up on her deal. After one round, she whooped my ass!

"You fuckin played me!" I looked at her

"Don't hate the player, hate the game baby" she kisses me

Can't believe she played me like that. I can't take her to Kev's party. He's gonna kill me

"Baby you mad?" She climbs on top of me and gives me a kiss

"Nope" I push her off me

"Such a baby!" She punches me

"Nah you played me! ANYWAYS I'm going to get dressed so"

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes

I lead her out the door & tell her I'll pick her up later.

I think I'm going to wear some white skinnys, a black blouse & some black heels. Nothing to much, just simple.

"J !" I hear Marco outside my door

"Marcy Marc!" I yell back

After I get out the shower and get dressed I let him inside my room.

"Never fail to impress" he spins me around

"Yeah . I know" I laugh

"I like how you can dress like a boy sometimes and then be like so fucking feminine. I love that about you" he laughs

"Awwww thanks bro" I laugh back "can you .. Possibly straighten my hair?"

"Girl!! You know it!"

He straightens my hair and my hair looks LAIDDDD

"Damnn! You always know how to work that iron"

"I know!" He snaps his fingers

We both look super dapper for this event.

"You still know you can't bring your girlfriend right. No girls (with the exception of squad) aloud" he says "And you my prima don't count as a girl most of the time" he laughs

"I know" I sit back on my bed "Shut up! Lol I don't know what I'm gonna do"

I look at him and he looks back at me

"Hmmmmmm .. I think I might leave her" I look

"Leave her? J you just got back with her!!" He looks at me

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