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Demi's POV

I got out and went to get Taylor, suddenly a sharp pain struck my Leg as I stepped out.

"Fuck" I scream in pain, I felt a warm liquid stream down my leg and onto my foot. Then noticed it was BLOOD!!

"What the fuck happened" I blurt out, not noticing I just woke up Taylor. Double fuck!Nick rushed to me from the other side of the car and nearly face planted the ground as he ran to see what was going on with me.

"Demi you ok?" Nick said, his face was plastered with concern. He looked down to where my hand was and his widened when he saw a puddle of blood.

To be honest I don't even know what caused this. I did cut my self on the stairs when I rushed to see Taylor at Marrisas house, but that was on my left leg. I looked at my other the leg to see the blood has soaked trough my jeans. So, if the cut on my left leg was the cut from the stairs then where did the cut on my right leg come from.

"Mama" I got pulled away from my thoughts by My baby's voice.

I looked up to see Taylor's blue eyes filled with tears, I gave her a huge and held her in my arms "oh baby girl, don't cry. What's wrong".

"I'm sorry mommy, it's all my fault don't leave me" she said hugging me tightly.

I lifted her chin with my 2 fingers and admired her perfect blue eyes which were wet from the tears. It's mind blowing how this kid entered my life. I looked into both of her eyes one at a time, I could stare into them all day, every day.

"Look here baby, what's your last name?" a tear rolled down her cheek.

"L-Lovato" I smiled.

"Exactly, baby girl not in a million years I would never let go of you. You're my everything and don't blame yourself for the things that's not you fault. No matter what happens you'll be my beautiful angel, my life, and my gorgeous little baby girl. Ok?"

"Ok, I love you mommy, promise" she leans and kisses my lips.

"I love you too baby girl, promise"

Suddenly I felt really dizzy the last thing I hear is "mommy" and everything went black.


Nicks POV

Suddenly Demi fell back with a thump. Shit
"Demi, what's wrong" I say shaking her, Taylor looked terrified.

"What's wrong with mommy?" She asked. Ok I have to admit that made my heart melt, i wonder how long it will take her to call me "Nick" or like Daddy, I know it's sounds cheesy but I can't wait.

"Nothing, we just need to go to hospital, okay" I say trying to make it less terrifying.

I sat Demi on the passenger seat and went around to buckle up Taylor.

"mama's going to be alright, okay? Don't worry about it sweetheart" I say kissing her forehead, she smiled back as yet another tear came rolling down. I wipes it away and realized how fucking cute she was, her skin was smooth as silk, her smile is unbelievably adorable and her eyes, they're just unbeatable. All I could say was she's an angel, just like Demi call hers. Oh shit demi!

I rush over to the drivers seat and drive off. Well more like knocking everything  over as I did.

2 hours later

Demi was in surgery, her cut was too deep, she cut some of the major veins which meant she lost a lot of blood. My heart was aching, my love of my life was in Surgery. How could I let this happen this is a my fault, I'm a horrible boyfriend. Taylor was sleeping on my chest, she basically cried and cried for demi but calmed down. She's so adorable, the way she sleeps, the way her body is so relaxed. I hug her protectively, for some reason I'm so protective of her.

I lean down to her face and stroked her cheek "I love you sweetheart, and all ways remember that" I kiss her head.

"Mr Jonas" I heard a voice, I looked up to see a doctor holding a clipboard.

"Yes that's me" I say standing up and putting Taylor's head on my shoulder.

"We have finished miss lovato's surgery and she's perfectly fine". I nod, thank god " follow me"

I nod again "thank you" he smiles and walks and I follow him. I walk into see demi attached to multiple machines. A tear rolls down my cheeks, Knowing I wasn't there to protect her.

I set Taylor down on a chair, she that small she could sleep on it comfortably. I walk over to Demi and sit on the bed. I couldn't get any words out my mouth, I didn't have any guts to talk. Guilt took over my body, my Demi was in this situation because of me. It's all my fault, I'm a horrible boyfriend.

I slowly move my hand and put it on Demi's, slowly lifting it up and kissing it. " I'm so so sorry" I say as more tears stream down but I quickly wipe it away. Like what guy cries, right?

"I'm sorry i wasn't there to protect you love, I really am. You are my world besides Taylor, I will be on your side every step of your life and I will keep Taylor in my arms no matter what. Taylor is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and who ever lays a finger on her I swear I will rip them to pieces. And you, well your the most talented, beautiful person I know, and i can't live without you" I lean down and kiss her lips but she kisses me back. What the hell, Is she awake.

She opens her eyes and smiles innocently"hey babe" i smile back.

"What the hell you scared me babe" I kiss her again but more passionate.

"I'm sorry but what you just said, was heart warming Nick, your the best boyfriend a women can have". She tried to pull herself up but fell back down, and burst into laughing. Which made me smile, awwwwww her laugh is just incredible.

"You ok babe" I laugh and pull her up and place her back on the pillow.

"Yeah I'm fine. Nick?"


"Can you get Taylor" she says looking towards a angel. She truly is and angel, I have to admit. With that I got up and picked her fragile yet peaceful body. I walked over to Demi as she got comfortable to take Taylor into her arms. I also saw a spark in Demi's eyes, which proved how much she loves this kid.

I gently place her in Demi's arms and sat back to watch. "You really do love her, don't you "

She smiled and went back to gently stroking her hair. With every stroke her smile got bigger and bigger.

"I really, really do love you baby girl" she said as she kissed her forehead. Then she gently moved taylor onto her chest and laid back with Taylor's body peacefully on top of her. She kissed her head multiple times. Man, she really loves this kid, what's she going to do when she has leave her. I pretty sure she can't live without her for even an hour.

"I love you baby girl, I promise" she said, again.

"I love you too mommy, I promise" she replied back in her sleep. Oh My God and what the fuck. Did she just speak in her sleep. A tear fell from Demi's eyes and I couldn't help tearing up . Cuteness overload, Demi's smile was bigger than ever. With that they both fell asleep, they looked exactly like each other. "Like mother, like daughter", is all I could say about these two.

Hey did you like it.
Sorry if not updating, once again thank you all for reading I really do appreciate it. 😃💚❤️💙💜💛

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