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I woke up at around 5 o clock with Taylor curled up with me. Finally Taylor's rooms were done because everyone was leaving, I said thank you and paid everyone, I don't care how much it was as long as my baby girl was happy I'm happy.

I moved Taylor, who was still asleep, into a comfortable place and went up stairs to see the finished product. Once I was at the top I got a breeze of paint and it was strong. I'd probably have to wait some hours before I bring her up, it's too strong for her. I went to turn the door handle but a thought hit me, I should wait, I want to see it with Taylor so with that I went down stairs

As soon as I got down my phone started to ring in my back pocket, I grabbed it and saw it was Marrisa. What in the world, I thought she was on holiday. But I answer it anyway.

"Hey Marrisa, what's up?" I say in a shaky voice.

"Demi you gotta come to my house please, I'm terrified, please come to my house." she says with terror lurking in her voice.

"What? What happened? Marrisa what's happening? clam done Marrisa, tell me what happened" I say lowering my voice.

"Demi can you just come, please" she starts crying.

"Ok I'll be there in 10, Calm done Okay." I said hanging up.

Ok what just happened. What happened to Marrisa? Is she hurt? Has someone broke into her house? Has she been kidnapped More and more question came into mind, I gotta get there now and I mean NOW!
I panicked and rushed to get Taylor.

I went and slowly woke up Taylor.
"Wake up baby we've got to go some where." I whisper in her ear, slowly pulling away the blanket.

She grabbed it back making it harder
"Baby,come on please" I ask giving up.

"Mommy.....ok I'm up" I smiled at the way she talks, it's so grown up. Some times I think she older than 3. She's just adorable. I can't imagine a life without her. She's my angel, and I love her with all my heart.

I pick her and she grabbed onto my neck with one hand, and put other on my chest. Her head laid peacefully on my shoulders, her legs wrapped around my waist. It was just so so cute and adorable.

"Mommy promise me." Words left her mouth as she was still half asleep.

"Promise what baby." I say back to her while gently drawing circles on her back.

She lifted her head "Promise you won't leave me mommy" she says as a tear leaves her eye.

Oh my god no, I don't want to make my baby feel like this. There is no way I'm going leave her. Never.

"Baby girl, there is no way I'm leaving you, your apart of my life now, your a part of me. Your like a vital organ in my body and if something happens to it....I'll die" a tear rolls down my eye.

Taylor slowly moved her hand and wiped the tear of my face with her thumb and smiled innocently at me.

"I'm sorry mommy, I love you. Promise mommy."I let out a small smile

"Its Ok angel. I love you to, and always remember that. Promise baby girl". I say as I kissed her forehead. I wiped the rest of the tears and then it hit me I need to be at Marrisa's now.


I quickly grabbed my keys and mine and Taylor's coat and rushed out side. I sat Taylor down and buckled her up in her car seat, as well as that she gave me a curious look.

"Where we going mommy, are you okay?" She asked.

I look up form her car seats lock and giggled at her. It's amazing how much she cares about me.

"We are just going to go and see momma's best friend Marrisa, Ok."

"Ok" she says focusing back to the her fingers and starts to fiddle with it. I turn around and start the engine and drove off .

Marrisa's POV

"Ok everybody, gather around!" I shout.
Everyone comes in and forms a group hug.

"Right, is everything set up" I ask and everyone nods

"Even the food." Yet again they nodded

"Ok Demi's going to be here soon so everyone get to your places". I said clapping my hands.

"Ok" they all say in unison.

We are surprising Demi with a party because she's got a new kid and everyone is here, Dianna, Eddie, Madison and Dallas oh and Nick.

Ok maybe saying that I'm in trouble on the phone to Demi is a bit mean but come on, it has to dramatic so she'll believe it.

I know it's short but I'll think of something good for the next chapter.
Please tell me if this a good story or not.
Thank you all for reading. 😘❤️💙💚💜💛

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