I love you

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Demi's POV

Oh god, this is giving me a heart attack. Come on baby girl don't do this to me. Her heart beat became faster and faster. This was scaring me to death.

"Nick, call the doctor" I shouted, pulling my hair.

"Already have, they're on the way" he answers me back. I turn around and crumble in his embrace. Seriously this is killing me.

The doctors came rushing in, but trying to be as calm as possible. Before I could say anything, me and Nick were outside of the ICU.

Come on baby girl, why are you doing this to me. Oh I fucking need you to stay alive. I want you, I need you and I freaking love you to death. Just why are you killing me.

"Nick, why does every bad stuff happen to me. Like I was in rehab at 18, I hated everything about myself. Then Wilmer fucks up my life. But then things were fine when you and Taylor came into my life. Then Wilmer has to fuck this up again. I don't get, Nick. What's wrong with him?" I cry into Nick, who was turning red. You know ever time I say "Wilmer".

"I don't know demi, but you have to stay strong for Taylor, for me and your family, and you fans.
Wilmer is a fucking asshole but I'm not letting him ruin yours and Taylor's life. I'm going to protect you from him no matter what. I love you Demi." Nick rubs my back.

"Why didn't I be with you earlier. You are the best, you understand me, you love me, you protect me. Thank you Nick, for being there for me and Taylor. I love you too, Nick" I say, I could burst into tears, again.

"There's no need to thank me. Just remember me, no matter what. Promise me Ok?" His voice cracking, tears covered his watery eyes.

" I promise, I'll never ever forget you" I say and kiss him, making both of us smile.

"Miss lovato, may I talk to you" the same doctor came in front of us.

"Yeah of course" I reply. Come on Demi, get yourself together. I think to myself.

"I'm sorry to tell you that, Taylor has Asthma. How we found this out was when we changed her clothes, we found cigarette burns on her back. So the smoke caused Taylor to have asthma. That's why her breathing quickened because she had an asthma attack . From now you'll need to watch out for asthma attacks and use inhalers." The doctor explained with a sad expression. I know how he's feeling.

My baby has been treated so badly and from a young age this is horrific. For goodness sake, she's freaking 3 years old. No child should be treated like this by anyone. No matter who the fuck they think they are. From now, who ever try's to touch my baby angel, they'll have to get past my dead body first. I don't give two shits, I'll give up my life for Taylor.

"Is she awake?" I ask the doctor, hoping she'll be awake.

"Yeah, just go easy on her." He told us then left.

I smile at the scene in front of me and relief washes all over me. Taylor was propped up on her bed laughing with a nurse. Awe the sweet sound of her laugh, it's like music to my ears

When she spotted me her face lit up and her smile spread across her face.
"MOMMY!" she practically screamed, but a good scream.

I rushed over to her, trying to take all this in. I picked her up and spun her around.

" I missed you, baby. You scared me to death, don't ever do that to me. Ok? I love you, my little fighter." I kissed her face multiple times.

I've missed the beautiful smile of hers. I missed her adorable laugh. I missed her tiny body cuddling up to me. I missed when she calls me "mommy". I missed her little, pink lips. I missed her love.

"I'm sorry I scared you, mommy. I promise it won't happen again. I love you too mommy." I smiled and gave her a kiss.

"Baby girl, can I ask you something" I asked, scared.

"Anything,mama" she relied back.

"Do you forgive me, for leaving you. You know if I never left you this wouldn't of happened." A tear slipped from my eye.

"Momma, I would never get mad at you. You're the on who gave me loving life. You give me the best kisses and hugs. I will never ever stop loving you. Your my angel who protects me from evil." She reached out and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I melted, my heart melted, my brain melted and just my whole body melted. Even after what happened this girl still loves me. Do you ever get that feeling, where you feel so much emotions and you don't know what emotion to physically show. Right now, that's what I'm feeling but the only thing I can is, I'm blessed to have this baby girl in my life.

"Thanks, baby girl. You know I love you so much, right? And I promise to keeping loving you till my last breath." I gently rub her cheek with my thumb.

"I know, momma. I love you too."

"Now come on, you need your nap." I say, when she let out a yawn. " Wait here I'll just go and get your bottle" I say leaving the room.

I come back with a warm bottle in my hand, slightly shaking it so it cools down. I lay down next to her and open my arms. She scoots up to my side and buries her head into my neck. I had my right arm under Taylor's neck and my left arm was holding the bottle. Taylor puts one of her arm on top of my waist and the other on top of my...... Yeah you guessed it, on my boobs. I gently out the bottle in her mouth and she happily drank it. Last thing I know I was singing warrior till I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry, sorry it's been so long since I updated. School started ugh.😩😩
But that's ok, I'll try to update more.
I have questions to ask, so help me out.
1) Taylor and Demi moments?
2) Nemi moments?
3) what shall Demi and Nick do to Wilmer?
I love you and stay strong.😘😘❤️💜💙💛💚

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