New home

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Demi's POV

We got out of my car and went to my house with Taylor holding one of my hands and my other hand was holding her back pack. As we entered I could see Taylor's mouth open wide.

"Welcome home baby girl" I greeted her.

"big house" she blurted out. I giggled

"Yes it is and your gonna live here with me baby girl" I said as I placed her back pack down, I really need to talk her shopping. I gave Taylor the house tour and gave her a bedroom, it wasn't done yet I need her thoughts so I can be perfect for her. We both got down stairs and lazily fell down on the sofa. Taylor was on top of me and her head was on my chest.

"Baby girl shall we go shopping to get you some cloths" I asked

She looked scared and backed away slowly. I slowly and steadily moved closer.

"Come  here baby girl I'm not going to hurt you" I said while opening my arms.
She stopped and finally came into my arms, I cuddled her like she was a teddy bears

"Mommy" Taylor said while playing with my hair.

I giggled "yeah baby girl"

"Don't leave me" tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Oh baby girl I will never leave you, never ever you are the most important person in my life" I sang softly hugging her even harder.

"I never had mommy before" she turned and looked in my eye.

That broke my heart, little pearls of tears began to show up on her beautiful light blue eyes. Seeing my baby girl cry is horrible, I couldn't hold it in I burst into tears.

"You have now baby, I'm your mommy, I'll be here for no matter what" I cried and she tucked her head into my neck. After about 10 minutes of silent crying I wiped all my tears and got up with Taylor in my arms.

"Come on baby girl lets go shopping" she shook her head "why not baby girl, is there something wrong".

"Me scared, don't make me go Mommy pwease, pwease mommy" she whimpered as she cuddled into me.

"Shhhhhh baby girl no one is going to hurt you, I'll be there all the time. You need cloths baby girl, ok here's a deal you come with momma to the mall and later you and me have lots of cuddles and watch a movie "ok" I say and moved here fringe away from her face.

"Promise" Taylor said with a weak smile

"Promise. I love you baby" I replied and gave her a kiss on her lips

"Love you too." Well that was fast, never thought she would commit that fast. Who cares she said she loves me.

I got my keys and my purse In one hand and Taylor in the other, it didn't really matter she was so light. "Shit" I say quietly so Taylor didn't here me, I need to get her food, I'll get her something when we're at the mall.

Promise Mommy ( Demi lovato adopts)Where stories live. Discover now