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Naomi paced the length of her room in anger. She dropped the small purse that held minor belongings on the bed and picked her phone.

She needed to inform her mother that she is back at her destination. It would be unfair to take her anger out on her mother. She wasn’t the one that made the heartless bargain.

 Her roommate was still in the hospital complex completing rounds on her behalf, thankfully.

She needed this time to herself. It is so difficult to comprehend what her parents called her home for. She wanted to process the information.

She tried to reach her mother’s phone twice to no avail. She dropped the phone on the bed and continued to pace.

At first, she thought it was a joke when she received the urgent call. Maybe her mother just wanted her to come home more because she had reduced the frequency with which she visited when she started her housemanship at the hospital. She was so glad for the opportunity,  now she doubted the genuineness of her acceptance into the prestigious hospital.

How could they make such an important decision for her?

No matter the excuse. “This age and time?” she muttered.

They should have hinted her at least.

She walked to one end of the wall and slowly slid to the floor in despair. The damage was way beyond repair.

 Her mother had told her not to refer to it as damage because it was in her best interest.

She didn't want to cry. She had promised herself she would not. Weighing the pros and cons has shown that the negatives outweigh the positives.

It was too much sacrifice to make for her dreams. The painful part was the fact that she was not allowed to take part in such a decision even though it had to do with her life. She sighed again.

She heard the door open, She knew it was her roommate, so she didn’t bother to leave her position or lift her head from her folded knees.

She sighed deeply and tried to hold back the tears drumming heavily behind her lids.

“Is everything alright?” Gwen asked dropping her sling bag on the bed they share.

The room although spacious was a room apartment they were given as doctors. She was lucky Gwen was willing to take her on as a roommate when she was accepted for her housemanship.

“I don't know. I really don't know.”

“Talk to me. Are your parents okay?”

“They seem fine”

“Why are you like this?” She walked to sit beside her. 

“You left in a hurry yesterday saying your mother called you. I had to cover up your duties today, and you don't think I deserve an explanation?”

“I don't know what to say myself, I am still processing the information.”

“Just give me a brief. A problem shared is half solved.”

“I am betrothed”


“When, how?”

“I am still in a state of shock myself.”

“Wait. To who?”

“You won’t believe this”

“Just tell me”

“Abisade Crown,” she dropped softly.

There was silence for a few minutes.

“What did you say?” Gwen asked in surprise. She could not imagine the connection.

“You heard me.”

“Oh! Let me rephrase that, Which Crown?”

“ The heir to Crown Holdings, my dear.”

“What is the connection?” She was forced to ask, trying to dispel her confusion. “How did your parents meet him, is he aware?”

“The only answer I can give to your question is that my father signed a betrothal with his father when it was difficult for him to meet up with my Medical school expenses in the third year.”

“Betrothal,  who does that? Well, thank your stars, at least the guy is rich and handsome.”

“That's the only thing you have to say?” Naomi asked in shock

 She looked up from her sitting position at Gwen had rose and waved her off as if everything was fine.

“Look at you, Gwen pulled off her flowery blouse. “A lot of women would love to be in your position. His father owns half of this town, if not more.”

“Abisade is the worst playboy I have heard about. He is reckless, and I don't even have time for gossip columns which means I may not even know half of his escapades.”

“That’s judgemental”

“It is the truth” Naomi insisted

“My dear, anything good is not meant for one person. The money is the main thing. Focus on that. You never have to worry about anything again”

“Why am I even surprised that you are saying this?”

“What else do you want me to say?  You are lucky, your future is sealed my darling.

All these guys I am juggling,  if one of them can offer me one-eighth of what Abisade is worth, I will propose marriage myself.” Gwen chuckled.

Naomi shook her head. She should not be surprised.  Gwen was not one for deep connections or conversations in relationships. She's all about the one with the deepest pockets.

Being ambitious herself, She admired that  about her, although sometimes it seemed more like gold digging coupled with the fact that She had a lethal weapon, "beauty." She was not afraid to weild it heartlessly.

 At a height of five meters ten inches, Gwen was taller than most of her classmates with a fair complexion that shines far into the future,  She never lacked male company.

“Baby girl, stand up and dust yourself. I hope he likes you anyway because with all these your reserved mode of ...”

“Don't go there Gwen,” she warned. “I am more than the way I look or dress.”

“I am not saying you don't look nice. You have the height and you are beautiful,  you just need to pay more attention to your presentation.”

“What is wrong with my presentation?”

“Girl, you are good, Doctor, and we all know that, but people like Abisade need trophy wives. Women that he can present to the world as his wife. Guys like him end up with girls that have empty heads and massive mammary glands. "

“Gwen just leave me alone.” She tried not to smile.

“I am telling you the truth,” Gwen shrugged. “Have you seen the kind of girls he frolics with? You should be glad if he considered you.”

Naomi stood up from the floor, picked up her phone, and left angrily.

“Happy he considered me?"  She asked alarmed at such degradtion. He should be happy if I consider him worthy of my presence.” She hissed and slammed the door

She needed a place to think about the way forward. Look for every loophole possible in whatever her father signed.

She scrolled through her phone to see if She could find any of her friends who are lawyers to look through whatever her father signed. There had to be a way out.

She hoped to be much more than somebody's wife in the future.

Abisade of all people. The only thing he had going for him was his looks. Going from party to party and spending his father's money. He was more of Gwen's kind of guy.  She wondered how her father met his father in the first place.


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