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Even though the day was a bright and sunny one, it did nothing to elevate Naomi's mood. She tried so much to muster the needed excitement for the day but it wasn't working. Gwen had been the unofficial photographer for the day and had encouraged her to smile for the pictures even though there was nothing to smile about.

Naomi collected the marriage act her mother handed over to her and sighed at the realization that she

had signed on the dotted lines to be with this man that would not even look at her for a second. She followed her parents to their car as they departed after asking repeatedly if she'd want them to drop at her new home. She could tell that mother was trying hard not to give in to the tears that clouded behind her lids.

The court wedding was held in a private hall away from the public registry. Her mother in law had made sure there were no form of publicity, just family and friends with strict instructions not to publicize the event until the family was ready for it.

She insisted that her parents go home and not attend any entertainment organized by the Crowns after the registry officials departed.

Her mother wanted her to have a traditional wedding but she declined. Her mother in law tried to persuade her too but she had stamped her feet on that and threatened to be absent. That would have taken the facade too far.

Gwen was quick to introduce herself to Abisade and his friends that were present immediately they exited the reception area. She could see him looking at her with admiration as she dazzled him with ease.

"This girl does not have a bit of shame," Seun mumbled angrily.

"Leave her be Seun, she means no harm."

"This nonchalant attitude will not work for this phase of your life, fight for what you want. If you treat him with respect, he should do the same."

"What if I don't want him?"

"Babes, this is forever," Seun emphasized the last word. "Unless either of you decide to seek for divorce, there should be a semblance of sanity."

They were interrupted by Gwen's high pitched laughter.

"Right now, my focus is my career. That's the reason for this sacrifice in the first place."

"Hey wifey," Gwen rushed up to them beaming while pulling up the velvet bridesmaid's dress she and Seun had agreed to wear. "Your husband is going out with some of his friends and I have been invited. Do you mind?"

"Don't you..." Seun started.

"No I don't Gwen, have fun." Naomi patted Seun's hand

"Kisses," she said and hurriedly joined the guys.

Seun was boiling but trying not to spill out.

"We need to leave this place before the roads get rowdy"

"My wife," Sanmi interrupted them holding a glass of wine.

Seun rolled her eyes and just hissed.

"You look stunning, Naomi Abisade-Crown." He picked up her hand and placed a kiss on her right hand. "I couldn't recognize you."

"Thank you brother, Seun worked on my make up."

"Don't downgrade me like that. You are my wife too, no girlfriend he changed after a few seconds You

are my brother's wife."

Naomi smiled at her new found friend. Sanmi had tried to make her feel welcome into the family and regaled her with positive characteristics of his brother the few times he called her.

"We need to leave now," She told Seun

"To where? Ain't you supposed to leave with your husband?"

"Oh no! He is allowed to party, but I can't. I have work tomorrow morning and I need to go back to the

Hospital right now if I am to rest before tomorrow morning."

"Hey God! I have a workaholic girlfriend," Sanmi raised his hands dramatically.

"It's not about that," Naomi pulled his hands down. "I didn't sign for anyone to stand in for me."

"Babes, you cannot do that please," Seun cut in. "Today is special, no matter what you think of it."

"It doesn't feel that way to me, my life goes on."

"What do you mean? Let me get my brother to take you home."

"Please don't," Naomi pulled him as he turned around. "I know what I signed up for, I will be fine."

"I will allow you leave for work on one condition."

"That is?"

"I'll take you girls out for Lunch since your parents have left and you have refused to enjoy the caterer's delicacies. The Chinese rice I promise, is to die for."

"I am not hungry trust me. All I need right now is somewhere to lie down."

"Then we go nowhere. I will carry you in to the hall right now, then he proceeds to pull her."

Okay, Naomi burst out laughing. You are just a bully pretending to be a gentleman.

Naomi looked at her friend for approval and agreed when she nodded.

"This one is still forming for me," he pointed at Seun. "Don't worry it will soon be our turn."

"Keep deceiving yourself," Seun replied as he led them to the car park.

Abisade watched his new wife walk to the car park with his brother. His were busy attending to a few of their friends they invited for the occasion.

He saw Naomi's parents talking to her for a while then excused themselves from the merriment. He wondered what she told them. He couldn't help but admire her outfit. It was a simple off shoulder burgundy dress. The front and back uneven to showcase her legs. Although her make-up was light, it highlighted her features, at least the ones he didn't notice before. Her hair was styled to the back with only a few tendrils flying. The only accessory was a single chain necklace and ear rings to match. She had on silver heels. Despite her height, she looked elegant. He had tried to keep his eyes off her so she doesn't start building up ideas. He had better choices. Both of them had agreed on a civil ceremony, not that he bothered to ask for her preference. It is what it is. She probably wanted to get something from his brother's car before joining him. He already told her he wouldn't be at her beck and call. Theirs was a business arrangement not a love affair as he has emphasized. If she proves difficult with his night out with the boys to celebrate his wedding. He would drop her off at home and go and have fun. She can spend her night, getting to know the staff he employed for her at his mother's insistence.

He was trying to catch up with the conversation around him. The guys were teasing him badly but he would rather spend time with them Naomi's friend was already seated in the car. She seem so ready to party all night.

He looked around again to see if Naomi was anywhere around till he caught a glimpse of his brother driving towards the gate with his wife seated in his car.

"What the h..." Sanmi even waved at him. He saw his new wife sitting in his brother's car and smiling at something he couldn't figure out.

Just imagine. This is someone that looked as if she wanted to be anywhere but the registry as they took their vows. He searched his pocket for his phone and quickly dialled his brother's number. He didn't pick the call, then he dialed Naomi's number, she ignored too.

As much as he didn't like the idea of a clingy wife, it was at least expected of them to pretend to have a united front, especially in public.

Because he didn't want to leave his friends with the impression that he cared, he urged them to their cars as they filed out to his favorite club.

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