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"Have you seen my wife?" Abisade asked picking up the cup of coffee set on the table for him as requested.

Sanmi stared strangely.


"She left already, she didn't tell you?"

It was Abisade's turn to stare back. He had one of the most beautiful nights he'd ever had in a long time. He stood in shock with the cup hanging midair.

"Why are you acting weird? You guys slept in the same room yesterday, didn't you? She came out to look for you yesterday to tell you, didn't she?


"Man, you are acting weird right now." She left already.

Abisade remembered last night so well and her departure was the last thing they discussed. He was trying to wrap his head around the event that led to their wild night out which they had continued when they got to the room. Since his father's death, he had barely had a full night's sleep until yesterday. It was a night of pleasure and he tried not to feel guilty at enjoying such a moment with his wife in the middle of his grief.

Thankfully their heated moment was in an obscured part of the garden and even the sharpest cameras couldn't have caught them. He doubted if he would have cared about the cameras at that moment of release. It had started with her holding him in a warm embrace with his permission. He smiled.

She had held on to him and it was as if she was taking out his tension and every negative energy within his body. He had cried unashamedly in her arms till he was exhausted and she had held on to him throughout. He didn't know when the moment changed, all he knew was that it was no longer a body pressed towards him. The sensation started from the two mounds pressed tight against his chest soft and warm, sending signals to his brain. He enjoyed the warmth for as long as he could but when he couldn't hold it any longer, he started with a gentle kiss on the crevice of the neck, at first to gauge her reaction, then to see if she would withdraw. She didn't and he took the journey down to her chest, slowly towards the culprits of this sensation. He wanted to seek her consent verbally but he would rather listen to what her body was telling him. It was a relief to feel any other things apart from the pain he had been feeling all week. Their body was in sync and he couldn't have enough. At first in the garden, it was just for release. She asked if he was okay every step of the way when it should have been the other way around. Even though it was hurried, he could literarily see the fireworks made by their coming together. He felt like Adam to her Eve in the garden with nothing but greens for their bed. When they broke up to take a breather even though he could have stayed there all night, she pulled the dress at her waist up looked around and asked if he could find her bra. Even though it was the last thing on his mind he looked and found the white lacy piece of temptation beside him. He sat up and held it behind him. "Come and get it."

She looked at him like a naughty child which was exactly the way he felt with her that moment, devoid of worries and satiated from the best coupling he's had in a long time.

"Hand it over Abisade," she had said although a bit shyly.

"On one condition."

"I am not doing this with you Abisade please hand over my bra."

"No." He insisted

"Please, I don't want anyone to see me like this."

"What if the camera already did?"

"What? There is a camera in the garden," she had asked scrambling up.

"I am kidding," he confessed "I wouldn't have put you in that position."

"I need to go."

"Don't tell me you already have second thoughts about what just happened because I don't."

She didn't respond, she had stretched out her for the piece of underwear.

"Naomi, talk to me."

"Abisade please, I don't want to, at least not like this was her argument"

"In the room then?"

She had nodded hurriedly. He had watched his wife turn her back to his as she tried to dress up as if they didn't just spend a body-to-body moment together.

He even offered to help with her dress but she ignored him.

She begged him to wait a few minutes for her to get into the house before he followed. He was tempted to allow her to leave with her hair all over the place but it wouldn't be fair, especially seeing that she seemed to be uncomfortable with what had happened.

He told her and helped adjust her hair as much as he could while avoiding the temptation of pulling her into his arms again. This was someone he barely had conversations with before his loss. She thanked him and walked away without looking back.

He waited about twenty more minutes after she departed to follow. All feelings of grief departed even though temporarily, he needed her to be alright with what just happened between them which would probably change the dynamics of their relationship. Thankfully by the time he got into the house, there was nobody in the living room. He was not in the mood to have any conversation except for the one on his mind right now.

She was bent over her luggage when he got into the room and his mind exploded all over again. All thoughts of conversation disappeared as he watched her pull a fabric out of the box. Her position was an invitation calling out to his third leg. The first joining was her trying to comfort him but the second time around, he took his time to satisfy himself with the luscious curves that he never had the opportunity to behold. She looked at him in surprise and pulled her robe together but it was too late. How could someone hide so much temptation under her baggy and unattractive clothes? That was his last thought before he pulled her to himself and the rest like they say...

"AB are you alright?" Sanmi jolted him out of his thoughts

"Yeah, yeah, I am fine," he answered quickly and dropped his cup.

"Did she say anything to you?" He asked his brother

"Like what?"

"Never mind, I will call her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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