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Hi fam, Thank you for the response to Abisade and Naomi's story so far.  Please read,  share and tell others about the story.  The next chapter can come up ealier that scheduled if we get more reads.

“Welcome to my home, my dear friend,” said the obvious patriarch of the Crown dynasty as soon as they entered what she perceived to be the living room with the widest smile he could muster.

To any onlooker, he looked the perfect picture of health but as a medical doctor, she could see him struggling to maintain his gait as he walked to hug her father who was all smiles.

This is the living room she concluded. It is either the woman of the home is all about “family” or the interior decorator did an excellent job.  This type of space she only saw in movies.

The smell that assaulted her nostrils was heavenly. She couldn’t find the right words to describe the space. Most of the decorative ornament looked perfect even though she couldn’t name them. The living room was intimidating. There was a large floor-to-ceiling window that showed a glimpse of a beautiful garden.

The curtains were opened lightly and the rays the sunshine threw into the room hit the chandelier at the right sot throwing a golden glow in the room.

The focal wall had a litter of family pictures, the most prominent being the large portrait of Mrs. Crown sitting in a majestic chair surrounded by her husband and children. The men had on the same native Yoruba outfit complete with the cap and agbada while her outfit even though not the same material, complemented theirs. The make-up and headgear suit her face to perfection.  She also saw different picture frames of their children at various stages of their lives.

“My daughters” Mr. Crown beckoned opening up his arms for a big hug.

“Oh! The other young lady is her friend,” Mrs. Crown told her husband pointing at Seun.

“You have a lovely home ma,” Naomi couldn't control herself as she complimented in awe.

“Thank you dear, I like coming home to a soothing environment” Mrs. Crown responded

“Please have your seats,” Their host offered after the pleasantries.

“Thank you for not penalizing us for bringing you all the way,” Mr. Crown smiled as his wife tried to guide him back to his seat despite him trying to rebuff her help subtly.

“We understand, the situation of things,” was her father’s response.
Naomi looked around and could not see any sign of Abisade and wondered why.

“To the business of the day,” Mrs. Crown started.
Naomi couldn’t have classified it better.

“As you must have noticed, Abisade is not here yet, he does not live with us, so he is on his way here,” she continued.  “I apologize for his lateness, I am sure there is an explanation because I have tried to call him to no avail”

“I hope all is well?” Naomi’s father asked

Naomi looked at the woman again trying to read any sign but she seemed calm enough for her to assume that his lateness was not new to her.

“I want you to understand that this was considered normal in our days,” she turned to Naomi.
“We as parents are in a position to guide you right and expect you to do the same for your children.”

At that point, Naomi tuned off. Whatever she had to say would not change the uncertainty about the step she was about to take neither would it erase the hurt she felt about not being allowed to choose her spouse. She was tensed with her nerves in overdrive. May she should have taken the shot that was offered to calm her strung nerves.

Maybe the guy changed his mind after all. Her father had told her he had accepted the proposal. Maybe he was somewhere getting drunk or maybe he had eloped with another girl to defy his parents. It was embarrassing enough to be dragged all the way from their house to meet a guy that didn’t care enough to call or get to know her even though she sent him a message he didn’t reply. It would be worse to have him leave them dry on such an important day like this.

Her musings were interrupted when the living room door opened. Although the heavy mahogany door didn’t make any sound, her nerves were attuned to the door. She needed to see his expression, what he’d look like up close. She needed to know what he thought about the whole sham, she wanted to be sure that he did not think of her as being desperate.

“Finally we ha…”

“Good afternoon everyone,” Abisade said looking round the room blankly.

“You can do better than that young man, You are late and I have been calling your phone.” His mother retorted.

“The most important thing is that…”

“We had a flat,” another voice responded behind him. “That is why we are late. He didn’t want you to worry, which is why he didn’t pick up your call.”

“Meet my sons; Abisade and Adesanmi.” The father responded to diffuse the tension between the mother and son.

“We are so sorry for coming in late,” Sanmi continued. “My brother is very upset hence the reaction.” He tried to appease the visitors.

“It’s okay my son, Naomi’s father responded not convinced while her mother just nodded.

“So, who is our wife?” He continued with a smile.

Naomi put up a short wave while his mother introduced her.

“You got me a wife too?” He teased when he noticed Seun.

Naomi could see his eyes dancing in mischief as he walked up to hug her while her betrothed sat in a corner of the room looking at them like intruders

"That's my friend," she responded while Seun waved at him.

“Since the husband and wife are here, I think we should discuss the modalities of the wedding or would you prefer to have a discussion and get back to us? I can get my planner to start work immediately and…”

“Sorry to cut the conversation,” Naomi’s mother said for the first time since they entered the room.

“I have a few things to say to your son.”

“He is now yours too, we are one family,” Mrs. Crown encouraged even though she seemed miffed at the interruption.


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