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"Is she at least hot?"  Sanmi asked his brother with a mischievous smile on his face where he lounged in his living room.

He had decided to come over to his brother's place for the weekend. One of his girlfriends had insisted on spending the weekend and he was not in the mood for entertainment.

"You don't even want to know," Abisade replied. He filled his brandy glass and wandered back to his brother

"Wow, I thought mother would prefer beauty and brains."

"The brain part is ticked, at least for her to have studied Medicine but the beauty part, she is not just the type I roll with."

"You never can tell if she is one of those kinky ones behind closed doors," Sanmi winked

"How come our parents think I am the bad boy when you are worse?"

He shrugged. "You are the first son, so all eyes are on you."

"How come the board do not have issues with you at your end?"

"I told you, I don't do loud. You are the one paps are always following around. I will rather have my party in an undisclosed venue with the girls carefully selected."

"My hands are tied, man."

"The Christian Grey style?"

"Are you ever serious Sanmi?"

"I think you should get to know the girl, You guys can work something out. Have you called her?"

"Why should I? She should be the one to. She's the one that wants to marry."

"Guy you have roughly six weeks to tie the knot and you have not met the girl?"

"The parents are organizing a kind of meet up, I am hoping you'll go with me."

"Why not," Sanmi laughed. " I want to meet the love of your life. "

Abisade hit his head with a throw pillow. "I dont think you are welcome in my house again."

"You have no option. I am sure you will have it more difficult with your friends," He smirked. "I hope they all get to attend the wedding.?"

"Which wedding? We'll just sign something and she'll move in."

"That's not fair to her, most girls love fairytale weddings."

"What's my business with what's fair? She gets to marry me, that's a premium price on its own."

"Keep deceiving yourself, man. If I were a woman you wouldn't top my list."

"Adesanmi, go to your house."

"Not now bro. Until that girl leaves my house."

"If you want to stay here, you better behave yourself."

The relationship with his brother has always been a hundred percent. Although five years younger, they were best friends. It was either make friends with him while growing up or face enemies both at home and away from home. Thankfully his brother had his head screwed straight. He could share anything with him and they also had each other's back in times of trouble.

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