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This Sunday afternoon was family lunch and his Mrs Crown had insisted that they all attend. It wasn't unusual but with their busy routines and his father being out of the country most times, it's been a while since they had such. It was generally for catch-up and for his mother to subtly give new orders and give an assessment of what was going on in their lives.

If he had his way, he would have stayed back home to sleep all day or hang out with his friends. After his habitual once-in-a-month house party, he needed to stay back home and recoup his energy. However, it was better to be here than have his mother hound him with calls or worse visit to tell him how upsetting his actions are. He couldn't postpone the party because his friends looked forward to the nice time and it was a sort of ritual for him, especially now that the board executives were looking for excuses to vote another person chairman and he was looking for ways to remain in their good books so if Mohammed cannot go to mountains, the mountains can come home for him.

Abisade was sitting at the bar nursing a glass of drink when his brother entered with his mother.

"Mother", he said in greeting waving the glass in her direction

"How do you enjoy a meal after taking alcohol, you have a medical doctor in your home, hasn't she taught you anything?" She resposited

"It's just a shot mother, I will be fine."

"You should know better though, having..."

"Mother, can we leave the lecture till later?" Sanmi cut in with a grimace. "We just arrived"

"Yeah, we just arrived," Abisade sneered

She shrugged and made for her favourite seat in the living room. Although rarely used because of the nature of her job, it was done in her favourite colour and befits her statute added to this is the fact that it easily gives her the perfect view of everything within her immediate space, just like a queen looking at her subjects...

"Guy, you said you were going to come yesterday," Abisade faced his brother.

"I called your line but you didn't pick up, I was held up at work."

"With?" His brother smirked

"Work guy, WORK."

"As if I will believe that," he smirked. "Where is Dad?" Abisade turned to his mother

"He will be joining us shortly?"

"Your wife?"

"She should be here soon, She doesn't come home on some weekends, She is aware of the meeting though."

"It's a family lunch, not a meeting Abisade"

"I didn't get the memo."

"You could have fooled me," Sanmi murmured

She sighed exasperated.

"Your wife still doesn't come home during the week?"

Abisade shrugged

"I think she stays back most times because of work, your daughter in law is a workaholic like you and she stays back on some weekends when he has the "house parties"

"Abisade I thought we discussed..."

"Mother, do you want me to stay for lunch or leave? I am not here to discuss my lifestyle. I have shrunk myself enough for you and the so-called board. If Mohamed doesn't go to the mountain the mountain can courier itself."

Mrs Crown sighed again. Children these days, never listen. She looked at her wristwatch again, her husband's call was taking longer than expected. Maybe she should..., then he appeared

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