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Surprise!!! It's been a while.

The traffic on the island was unusually heavy for the time of the day.

If he had his way, he would have stayed late at the party and gone home or if he the mood was right, he would have lodged somewhere with his usual after-party chics but here he was driving to his parents' house as ordered by his father.

He wondered what the problem was and wished they could go back to the days when they used to ignore him.

He and his sibling had attended boarding schools while their parents traveled the world-conquering the business world.

The little time they spent at home on holidays was either in the company of nannies or family friends both in and outside the country.

However, adulthood came with the responsibility of working in one of his father's companies thereby reporting to him even though he could do well on his own.

He maneuvered his Lexus into their estate and waved at the security personnel. Most of them started working with his father when he was in his teens. He played with some and pranked the younger ones. They were all part of his growing up.

"Bros e"  one of the new ones hailed in pidgin English,  raising both hands in the air to greet him immediately he stepped out of his car.

"Lefty, how are you?"

"We dey your hands o my boss. Your boy is loyal."

"My boy that already has a wife and kids"

"It doesn’t matter boss, "He bantered. " I am still your boy".

"Na you sabi, I will see you when I am leaving".

"I trust you na", He smiled and turned to leave.

"Oh! There is a bottle of wine on the passenger's seat in front, you can take it."

"Ah! Only me, rich man wine."  He raised his hands into the air again and stamped his feet in salute.

" The other one you gave me, I gave it to my in-law for Christmas, the man calls my name with respect now."

Abisade burst into laughter. "Lefty go away." He clicked on his security lock then motioned for him to pick it.

"After you na you my oga."

Abisade still smiling walked away.
He was welcomed by her parents' oldest housekeeper who was also his second mother.

"My baby," she greeted with a smile.

"Don’t let my ladies hear you calling me that, I am Thirty, sisi"

"You dare tell me that," She teased "Let me get a hang of all these social media things you children are used to, and see if I will not put your diaper pictures out there."

"I am sorry ma. Your baby I remain."

"Better," she said and opened her arms for a hug and he gladly went into her arms.

As always, she offered the comfort he was always sure of when he came home. She was the only reason he could call it home because she was present  to offer comfort while they were growing up.

"Your parents are in your father's office." She told him adjusting his collar. "I can smell alcohol on you. I told you not to drive when you drink."

"Sisi, it was just a glass."

"It's still something."

"It won't happen again."

"Pfft. As if I'll believe that," she replied and pushed him in the direction of the office.
" I have some vegetable stew and snacks for you in the kitchen"

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