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Yesterday was quite the eventful day for me. I had the unexpected pleasure of running into that clumsy girl once again, and I must admit, it took me by surprise. As it turns out, she happens to be a friend of my sister. It's a bit irritating, to be honest., I have a girlfriend named Ameera, and our marriage was arranged by our parents. They thought I was head over heels in love with her, but the truth is, I've always been more of a player when it comes to relationships. I've never really been in a serious one before.but Ameera she's actually a really nice and calm person. Coincidentally, her father is a friend of my own father, and her mother is a friend of my mother. It's quite the tangled web,

About that girl when I heard her name, Yesmeen, my heart started racing like crazy. I couldn't help but look at her in that moment. I can't shake off this feeling that she's somehow connected to me, but I won't let it consume me.from the look  she's actually quite carefree and independent. It's an intriguing combination, to say the least.

So, the next day, I woke up in a rush and hopped into the shower to get ready for the office. Glancing at the time, I realized I'm running late and didn't want those people spying on me to inform my dad. I quickly got dressed and headed to the car, well, my dad's car actually. I drove out of the apartment, speeding to make it on time before he started calling and ruining my peace.

As I was driving, I noticed a car in front of me going really fast, and it turned out to be that girl from the airport who ruined my shirt. I tried to brake and avoid a collision, but unfortunately, *clash* it happened.

I immediately looked up to see if everyone is okay, and to my surprise, it's the same girl from the airport. Oh boy, what did I do to deserve seeing her face every day? It feels like luck isn't on my side lately.

I stayed in my car, curious to see what she would do next. She and my sister got out of the car, while Ameera stayed behind the door. They walked towards my car, and I can't help but burst into laughter seeing how scared she looked.

After a few minutes, I slid the door open, pushing her back a bit, and we found ourselves face to face. She raised her attractive eyes and locked them onto mine, widening them.

I gave her a glare just because of your rough driving now look what you did to my car you damaged it can't you even drive slowly

You didn't teach how to drive slowly she says almost twisting her pinkish lips and I felt the urge to slap her face

attractive or not, I couldn't hide my glare. I mean, her rough driving caused all this damage to my car. Couldn't she just drive more carefully?

And then she had the nerve to say that I didn't teach her how to drive slowly, almost twisting her pinkish lips. I had to resist the urge to slap her face, seriously!

You have to repair my car I mumbled, telling her that she has to repair my car. But then, out of nowhere, she said not to worry, that she would even get me a new one, boring her eyes into mine.

"Good girl," I said sarcastically. "

Yaya, please. She's sorry, yussy spoke we are ju-"

"Will you shut up?" I interrupted, not wanting to hear any excuses.

"Yussy, no. He will get his car within 24 hours, today Insha Allah," she said confidently.

I smirked and started walking towards my car, leaving them on the road. But before I left, I can't help but smile at Ameera.

As soon as I reached the venue, my phone started ringing. Seeing my father's name on the screen, I sighed and answered the call. My father is a strict person, never one to play around, and we're all a bit afraid of him. He's especially strict when it comes to work.

To be honest, I've inherited most of my habits from him. "You have done a great job," his angry voice came through the phone.

"Abbi, I was-" I tried to explain, but he didn't even give me a chance to greet him. He just cut me off.

"Just shut up, Muhammad. I didn't send you there so you could do whatever you feel like. I sent you to work," he scolded.

"I'm sorry," I said, feeling a pang of guilt.

He abruptly ended the call. I knew there were hypocrites who would inform him about everything I did. Thank God I'm not a bad person and don't have any bad habits.

Feeling overwhelmed, I managed to handle everything. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realized it was almost time for prayer.

Well, I didn't have any friends or relatives here, which is why I hate coming here. Wallah, after praying, I went back to my apartment and did nothing but sleep. Well, I love sleeping a lot. Who else doesn't like sleeping?


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