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Third person
She has been crying her heart out since morning, unable to contain her emotions. At 1:30 pm, after the Zuhr prayer, the Imam's announcement shook her to the core: "The knot is tied... yesmeen, daughter of umar dikko , is now married to Muhammad , son of Ahmad Abdulkadir ..." The words echoed in her mind like a death sentence.

Ammar's call came immediately after, delivering the same news. She burst into tears, her heart shattering into a million pieces. "I don't want this marriage," she sobbed, "but what can I do? It's too late now." She felt trapped, unable to escape the fate that has been sealed. Her aunt wrapped a veil around her, and they took her to her father. He noticed the tears streaming down her face, tears she hasn't even realized she is crying.

He embraced his beloved daughter, holding her close as she sobbed uncontrollably. He whispered soothing words, trying to calm her down. "It's normal to feel this way, my dear. You're leaving behind the life you know and starting a new chapter. But you have nothing to worry about, you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone you know and love." But little did he know, his words of comfort were far from the truth. Ameera's presence is the real reason behind her tears, and the thought of spending her life with someone she didn't truly love is suffocating her.

Her father assumed she is crying because she is marrying a stranger, but the truth is far more complex. He believed that with time, they would come to realize the importance of marrying someone their parents chose for them, and how beautiful life could be with that person. But for now, his daughter's heart remained heavy with sorrow and uncertainty.

"And in that moment, her brain and heart synchronized, acknowledging the painful truth  her parents has made a grave mistake. She could envision a lifetime of friendship with Ammar, but the presence of Ameera is the insurmountable obstacle. The stories she has read and heard, of rivals driven to madness and destruction over a man, echoed in her mind. She feared succumbing to that same darkness, her good nature warped by the toxicity of their situation.

Ammar's reassurances that he didn't love Ameera fell on deaf ears; she couldn't trust him, or any man for that matter. The chasm between their friendship and Ameera's hold on him seemed insurmountable. The thought of living in Ameera's shadow, constantly competing for Ammar's attention, is a fate she couldn't bear. Her heart raced with the daunting realization she is trapped in a union that would only bring her sorrow.

"Her thoughts were a jumbled mix of fear, uncertainty, and determination. She know Ammar's charming nature, how he could sweep girls off their feet with his sweet words. And Ameera, with her captivating beauty, would surely ensnare him further. But she, Yesmeen, couldn't just stand by and watch her marriage crumble. She needed to fight for her rights, for her place in Ammar's heart.

Her father's blessing interrupted her thoughts, his words echoing in her mind. "God bless you, my princess... May Allah SWT bless your marriage life... Never disrespect your husband, no matter what..." She felt a surge of frustration, her mind racing with the impossibility of it all.

Her father's words continued, a mixture of persuasion and reassurance. "I've done my part, princess... I've married you to Muhammad, a good person... His father and I have known each other for years, and this union will strengthen our bond... I know you're an obedient child, and you'll make this work..." But Yesmeen's heart remained unconvinced, her doubts and fears lingering like a shadow.

She clung to her father, tears streaming down her face. "I'll miss you so much, Dad... I promise to always be your obedient child." Her father's warm embrace and reassuring words soothed her, but the pain of leaving him behind lingered.

As they made their way to her father's parlour, where Ammar and his friends waited, she quickly wiped away her tears. The room is filled with laughter and chatter, a stark contrast to the emotional goodbye she has just shared with her father. Ammar's smile and outstretched hand greeted her, but her heart remained heavy, struggling to reconcile her love for her father with her uncertain future with Ammar.

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