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As I crossed paths with the infuriating Mr. Choco guy once again, I wonder why fate is tormenting me so. "Oh my Allah, what sin have I committed to deserve this constant encounter?" I whispered to myself, hoping he would leave me be without a word. But to my surprise, he confronted me with a perplexed expression.

"Tell me, Miss Bumper, I don't understand why you always seem to be following me. Are you spying on me or something?" His eyes narrowed, and our gazes met, creating an intense connection that made me feel uneasy. I know I have to distance myself from him. "Avoid him, Yesmeen. Don't engage with him," I silently reminded myself.

I tried to slip away, attempting to walk away from him, but he unexpectedly grasped my hand, sending electric shocks through my body and stirring up unfamiliar emotions. His touch left me breathless, and I knew I have to extricate myself from his grasp before it is too late.

"Let me go!" I gasped, struggling to catch my breath. Desperate to escape his grasp, I tilted my head towards the children playing football, hoping to divert his attention. Miraculously, he turned around, his gleaming eyes following my gaze.

"Those kids are so cute, aren't they?" he whispered in my ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine. A smile involuntarily spread across my lips. "I've always have a soft spot for kids, you know. They're just so darn adorable," I said, momentarily forgetting who I am standing with.

But then, I caught a glimpse of him joining the children in their ball game. He looked up, and our eyes met. He winked at me, and I couldn't help but shake my head, letting out a small laugh. I decided it is time to leave. This guy is definitely crazy! I thought, as I tried to extricate myself from his grasp once again.

As I walked further away, I dialed my mom's number. After three rings, she picked up the call immediately. "Sallama alaikum, good day, Mom," I greeted her.

"Wa'alaikumu sallam, princess. How are you doing, and how are your studies?" she asked.

"Alhamdulillah, Mom. It's just that I'm missing you guys a lot," I whined as if I were right in front of her.

She chuckled and said, "We missed you too."

"Mom, when are you visiting me, or else I might just come back this week," I suggested eagerly.

"Very soon, princess," she assured me.

We continued talking for a few more hours before I ended the call and made my way back to where I saw him standing with someone, probably his business partner. They seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation. This silly boy can actually be serious. Wow!

Making my way towards my girls we really had fun until around 6 we return back home after I prayed isha I ended up sleeping
Next day
I was awakened by the cheerful chirping of birds outside my window. As the first rays of sunlight streamed into my room, I stretched and rubbed my sleepy eyes. It was 7 am, time for my daily yoga routine. Since I didn't have much on my plate today, I quickly hopped into the shower and changed into my workout clothes. Before leaving the room, I couldn't help but steal a glance at my girls, still deep in slumber. Silly girls!

As I strolled down the street, I feel the cool breeze gently caressing my face and playing with my hair, allowing me to fully relax. Despite feeling a bit tired, my body wasn't sore. Instead, I felt a refreshing spring-like energy flowing through my heart, just like biting into a juicy watermelon on a hot day.

The street is quiet, and the pale blue sky was adorned with fluffy white clouds. Leaves rustled in the breeze, and birds hopped from tree to tree, announcing the arrival of a new day.

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