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Eight months later....
The alarm clock buzzed, signaling it is  time to get up. But then I remembered that I have taken the day off work due to Yesmeen's condition.  maybe I can change my mind later."

The light streaming in seemed to wake Yesmeen up. She groaned, flinging aside the bedding and covering her face with her hands.

Ammar, the sun is reflecting off my eyes...

Won't you wake up? It's almost time for some morning exercise," I said, glancing at the clock on the wall, which read 7:00 am.

Yesmeen groggily woke up, rubbing her eyes. "I don't feel like going anywhere today..." she said, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Sorry, just one month left to go," I stood up. "Good morning."

"Morning," she replied, managing to stand up carefully. She walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower, and I followed suit, showering and changing afterwards.

You need some tea before we I made a tea and fed her.."

"Ammar, are you serious? We're going to trek? I can't. We should just go by car," Yesmeen suggested.

"It's not that far, Meen. We should just stroll and come back. You can do it, and it's also good for the baby, you know."

We started walking down the street, which is  quiet and peaceful. the first morning light hit the mist, the street came alive with a warm and cozy atmosphere. I am  captivated by the beauty of nature, and the intoxicating view took my breath away.

Yesmeen, however, is  already tired. "Oh god, my legs are tired already," she said, bending slightly and panting.

I laughed we've done nothing, madam. Stand up. You'll have more energy after the exercise."

"Oh god, you know I will never get pregnant again. My body is all sore..." She hold my hand, and I pointed to a nearby bench under a tree. "Okay, just wait, sit down here."

We sat together, watching the street come alive with birds flying around and squirrels chittering just feet away.

"I know you guys are confused, but Yesmeen's pregnancy has progressed, and things are getting difficult for her. She's experiencing mood swings, cramps, and more. But I've been by her side every step of the way, supporting her through it all.

As we approach the ninth month, we've started taking daily strolls together. I've watched in awe as her body has changed, and I'm constantly amazed by her strength. I can't even imagine the stress of carrying another human inside me - it's a pain I'll never fully understand.Yesmeen has shown me what true strength looks like. She's endured every kick and change, all for the sake of giving me a child. I wish I can take her pain away, but I can't.

'What are you thinking?' she asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Nothing, Meen,' Just thinking about you. You're suffering so much, and I wish I can take it all away.'

She smiles weakly, her eyes filled with love and exhaustion. 'You're thinking about me, and that's all that matters. Just being with you makes it all worth it, Ammar.'"

"The past few months have been the best of my life, spent lovingly with Yesmeen.We've reconciled our differences and grown closer than ever. I am captivated by her beauty, both inside and out. Her warm touch and bright smile can light up anyone's world.I've been fortunate enough to experience many wonderful things in life, but none compare to Yesmeen's radiance. Her beauty is truly unparalleled. I'm enthralled by her laughter, which is contagious and joyful. It's a sound that makes me feel like the luckiest person alive. I'd do anything to hear her laugh again and again. It's a treasure I cherish deeply, and I'm grateful

I'd do anything to just hug her and talk to her . Because just being around her is the best part of my life. I didn't realize I was lost until I found her . She always made me so happy. I will love her forever.

"I glanced at my watch - 10 am. Time to head back home. I helped her up, and we walked hand in hand.

Do you need anything?' I asked. She shook her head, and I quickly changed my clothes before heading out.

I met up with my friends outside we exchanged our signature bro handshake. They teased me  about being a married man now, and I just laughed it off. We hang out together until 5:30 pm before I headed back home.

When I arrived, Yesmeen is fast asleep, looking uncomfortable even in her rest. This pregnancy has been making her sleep a lot. I gently scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.  It seemed like the sleep took her off when she's engrossed in her favorite Indian TV series! I smiled, kissing her forehead as I sat down to respond to some messages ."

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