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"I cannot tolerate this anymore", I said to Ameera as I pushed the food plate away from me on the dining table in anger. "This food is inedible. It is so bad that even a dog is going to reject it. What the hell is wrong with you.."?

She blasted in anger too "If you think it is so easy, why don't you do it yourself? All you ever do is complain."

"This misunderstanding started weeks ago when Ameera heard that I changed Yesmeen's house. I'm still baffled by her reaction - it's like she has a warped perception of reality.

Have you ever felt hurt but been unable to show it? When you're crying inside but forced to wear a smile on your face? When you have to pretend that your tears are from laughter, not pain? That's my reality.

Since the incident, Ameera has been spreading lies about me to my mother, telling her that I burned her hand and changed Yesmeen's house. My mother scolded me harshly, and I feel like I can't do anything right in her  eyes. I'm exhausted from her constant criticism and judgment.I promise that one day, I'll stand up for myself and confront Ameera about her behavior. Not even my mother will be able to stop me from speaking my truth."

"I'm considering telling my father about the situation, as I'm struggling with my marriage Sometimes I wonder which kind of mother do I have ?. I regret getting married,especially when I got married to two crazy women's

Yesmeen, in particular, can be unpredictable - one minute we're fine, the next she's picking a fight with me. I've decided to take a stand and set boundaries, even if it means not smiling or showing my teeth, which seems to bother her. But I'm determined to do what it takes to establish some sense and calm in our relationship.

I sat in my car, I felt my frustration boiling over. I gripped the wheel tightly, gritting my teeth, trying to process my emotions and find a way forward."

"she walk closer to the car, my breathing intensified. And the minute she entered the car. Yelling my lungs out, my nerves popping out of my forehead, blood pumping heavily. I went on and on for minutes without stopping to take a breath.

Get out I yell

I continued to yell, she reached out and turned on the radio.

This made me even angrier, get out before I throw you out my self I yell she immediately open the door and step out."

"What's up, man?" my friend asked as I arrived at his place. "

The girls are driving me crazy, I swear!" I exclaimed, shaking my head in frustration.

Hamad laughed don't tell me that.

I regretted getting married. We talked for hours until after Magrib, when I left for home.

As soon as I arrived, I went straight to my room, still fuming. Yesmeen is preparing dinner, but I am not  interested. She always made dinner for me, even though she knows  I wouldn't eat it.

Dinner is ready," she said innocently, standing by the door. I looked up at her, then decided to go outside to spite her. I sat on the bench, staring at the sky. The wind is strong, and I came here to calm down a bit. I didn't want to keep acting out against her - she is  hurt, and I know it. But I felt like I needed to change many things about her, one by one. I went through the list of things I hated, disliked, and wanted to change about her.

My mind blew through memories, as the wind did around I was thinking of all the mistakes she has and has made, according to me.she's to stubborn...and sometimes I always think yesmeen didn't like this marriage...while sometimes she's scared of Ameera"or what I don't know.."

When I heard the Isha prayer call, I got up and went to the masjid to pray. When I returned, I find  Yesmeen lying on the couch. I gently tapped her, and she opened her eyes, which looked red from lack of sleep.

I reminded her that it's not good to sleep during prayer times, and she nodded slightly. However, by 9 am, she has fallen asleep again. I picked her up and laid her on the bed, trying not to disturb her.

As I worked, time passed quickly, and I am  exhausted by the end of it. Relieved to see it is  12 am, I prayed Nafila and lay down on the bed, gazing at Yesmeen's innocent face. She mumbled something in her sleep, and I smiled, knowing that I loved her deeply. I pulled her closer, feeling her warm body, and wondered if she has a fever. I pushed the thought aside and soon fell asleep.

Short chapter manage it please🥺

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