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Sorry, Dad, she's with me," Ammar said, bowing his head in greeting. My dad didn't respond, but my mom did.

What did I tell you about coming to this house?" He  asked.

You said you don't want me around your house or your daughter, but what can I do? Your daughter came to my place. I let my mouth agape.

I tried to intervene, "Daddy, I swear—" but he cut me off. "Just shut up, Yesmeen. You're trying my patience. I'm trying to help you get your rights." He continued, "Just go pack your clothes and follow him. I don't want you in this house for even one second longer.

I am  happy to hear that and started walking towards the entrance, with my mom following me. I turned around, and she slapped me twice. "Yesmeen, wai yaushe ne zakiyi hankali?" Don't you understand? Your father doesn't want to separate you from your husband, he just wants you to get your rights

"What's the point of going to his place? Isn't that foolishness? Going to a man's house at late night without even telling us... Your husband is more important to you now than your parents' rights?" my mom asked, her voice stern.

"But, Mommy, he's my husband! And besides, Mom, I swear Ammar isn't  at fault. Ameera is  the one who... they're not together anymore. Why are you blaming him?" I cried, trying to defend Ammar.

My mom raised her hand, threatening to slap me again. "One more word, and I'll slap you harder! Go to your room right now, you stupid girl!" I rushed to my room, crying, and went to the balcony, where I saw Ammar and my dad still talking.

"What's Dad telling him?" I wondered. "Daddy, I swear it isn't his fault!" I shouted loud enough for my dad to hear me. "Daddy, Ameera has done all this. He knows nothing about it. Stop treating him like this!" I cried, pleading with my dad to listen.

I sighed in relief when I saw Ammar and my dad looking up at me, seemingly unharmed. I went back inside, leaned against the inner wall of my room, and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up for Fajr, I was still in the same position. After praying and making dua for Allah to choose what's best for me, I headed to the office without breakfast.

My phone rang as I sat at my desk, and I saw it's Yusrah calling. I answered.

"Guess what?!" she exclaimed,"

How did you know I got my phone back?" I replied, "leaning back in my chair.

"Oh, common, babes, my brother told me already! And I have two exciting pieces of news for you. Which one do you want to hear first? About your rival or about you?" I sighed and sneezed.

What's wrong with you?" she asked, concerned.

I just have a headache and caught a cold," I replied.

"Oh my god, you lovers spent the whole night in the rain, right? How come you and your husband are both not well today, supposed to be the happiest day of your life, and you're both sick?" Yusrah said, laughing.

"Do you call me just to fill my ears with rubbish? I'll hang up!"

Okay, first, let me tell you, Abbi just left, and guess what? Sister-in-law, you're coming back to brother's house soon! He went to see your dad..."

I interrupted, "Stop joking.

Cross my heart, girl..." ya Ammar  came and talked to Abbi today, and after that, I guess your dad called Abbi and apologized for everything!"

I exclaimed, "Oh my holy black pepper, are you serious? Yussy, you mean they went to sort things out? Thank you, Allah! I can't describe how happy I am right now..."

Yes, my sweetheart, and about Ameera, brother wants to sort everything out with her too."

My happiness suddenly vanished, "What do you mean?"

"Well, he went to their house three days ago, apologized to her, and wants her back, but she refused. She said she can't come between you two."

I was confused, "Wait, come again? I don't understand what you mean by he went to Ameera..."

Yusrah tried to calm me down, "Cool down, babes. I know Ameera already told me she won't go back to his  house, but he's trying hard. Maybe he can change her mind, you know she loves him a lot, right?"

I immediately cut the call and dialed Ammar's number, calling him four times, but he didn't pick up. Tears streamed down my face.

Just then, my phone rang, and its  Ammar. I answered immediately, "Thank you so much! Thank you very much! I was trying hard to see if I can
go back to your house, but you're there trying to get the person who tried to kill me to come back to you, right?" I yelled.

But all he did is  pretend not to understand what I am  talking about, and then he hang  up, leaving me speechless.

I glared at the phone before dialing Ameera's number. She picked up on the first ring. "What do you want from us again?" I raised my voice.

"Yesmeen, cool down. Sorry, I don't understand

what do  you want from my husband?"I shot back.

"Wallah, Yesmeen, nothing! Muhammad always comes to my place, apologizes for what he did to me, and wants us back, but I refused. Besides, he already gave me my divorce papers..."I'm sorry if you feel bad. Muhammad is all yours alone. I want you to know that I am truly sorry for all I've done. I value our friendship way too much to go around doing stupid stuff to you. I know what I did was horrible. I don't deserve someone with a cool heart like you as a friend. Whatever I did to you was not in a right state of mind. All I am able to feel right now is shame. I am ashamed for acting the way I did... I'm so sorry, Yesmeen."

"Oh my god, stop now, or I will cry... I forgive you, Ameera." You love him right?I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

No, not again, Yesmeen! He's my friend's husband, how can I love him?"she laugh I know Allah will bless me with someone who will love me unconditionally, just the way Muhammad loves you."

"Oh no, babes, stop saying this! I exclaim

Wallah, Yesmeen, Muhammad loves you a lot. You won't understand; he's willing to do anything for you and your happiness, how's our baby ."

I laughed, touching my stomach, "Our baby is fine.

Say hi to him/her, sai munzo suna..."

I ended the call, smiling, feeling grateful and relieved. "Finally, I will stay with him forever."

"I picked my phone and send him a message
I love you Ammar ❤️..

When I arrived home around 4 pm, I was surprised to see my mom with Aunt Maryam.

Aunty maryam , what a surprise to see you here!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

Yesmeen,  did you leave this house without having breakfast?" My mom questioned me , "I looked down, fiddling with my fingers, Go and eat right now she snapped " I quickly got up and ate.

That night, my dad called me and scolded me a lot, but soon we were back to our normal terms, and he told me to get ready to return to my husband's house the next day. I am  overjoyed and hugged him tightly, grateful for his forgiveness.

The next day, around 8:00 pm, Ammar came to pick me up, and I continued to apologize to him for my mistakes. It took him a week to calm down and forgive me, but eventually, we moved past our issues and our relationship improved....

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