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"I stepped into the bathroom, gazing at my self through the mirror, dozens of thoughts racing through my head. Why would dad do that to Ammar? I wasn't the one who told them I want a divorce why?

"I carefully removed my soaked clothes and put on the dry, warm ones, the change in outfits making me let out a sigh of relief, but quickly began thinking again. Of all that is going.."

"A knock at the door snapped me back to reality, and upon opening it, I saw him with an angry face and a hairdryer in his hand...

I silently walked out placing down on the vanity chair.

"He turned the dryer on after plugging it into the outlet, carefully moving his fingers through my hair as he dried it by sections.
"Oh boy catch ya he do care about me yay"

"No one says a word, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable, in fact, maybe he felt comfort in the silence. I closed my eyes, the way he raked his fingers through my hair softly making me grow tired, and even feel more at ease.

"I turned on the heater in the room already, He reassured me seeing I'm shaken.." I nod sitting back on the bed as I watch him went out . Not too long after, he returned to my side, pulling me into his embrace.

"I won't force you to talk me now Ammar"I know I deserve more than this because I always hurt you , but please don't shut me out. Please don't push me away.

He pulls away for a minute, placing a hand on my head and staring deeply into my eyes . "Ammar
You are everything to me, and I don't want to see you angry or sad.

That doesn't mean you can't be, everyone is sad and angry at some point, but I want to be here for you at this moment , and at least be able to make you happy for a while." I will talk to dad about the divorce.

"He rolled his eyes. 'Your temperature is high, and the rain has stopped. Let me drop you back home before your dad thinks I'm trying to harm his princess.'

No, I won't go back home,' I want to say with you.

No, you won't,' he gritted his teeth.

Okay, don't get mad again... I'm hungry.

I don't have any food to give you here he spat.

Thank goodness it's my house, and I know the way to the kitchen,' I replied.

You're returning home, so stop all this nonsense.'

Okay, let me eat first. See, I'm running a high fever. How do you expect me to go back home now?' I sneezed, and he sneezed at the same time. 'Oh my god, it's a miracle! You've also caught a cold. Now I have no choice but to stay with you and take care of you, right?' I said, smiling."

He climbed down from the bed, picking up his car key. "Stand up.

I'm hungry, and the baby is too. Come on, let's go." I hold his hand and dragged him directly to the kitchen. "Sit down, let me prepare something light." I started cutting and cooking, doing everything slowly. He watched me, and I notice how handsome he looked, even after a week. His skin had a beautiful bronze glow in the sunlight. I smiled slightly, glancing over at him. "You know, I started working, right?" I sneeze Achoo."

He didn't reply, but I didn't let that stop me. "Ammar , you know what? Dad thought I was working all this time, but when he find  out I wasn't, he got angry." Now I work at ATO Architect Limited. Oh Allah , Ammar, you have no idea how hard it is to get there... I always get hungry, and there's no cafeteria. But what can I do? Mom always tells me to eat on time because of the baby."

I brought out the cups and poured the coffee. "Here, take this," I hand  him a cup of herbal coffee. "Now you'll feel the magic."

"Don't eat that!" He snapped

What?" I asked, confused.

The noodles? Aren't they spicy? You almost... " He started coughing uncontrollably, and I realized, too late, that he's  allergic to spicy food. "Why am I so stupid?" Ammar, where's your medicine?" I cupped his cheeks, trying to comfort him as he continued to cough nonstop. "What do I do? Tell me something, please..." He quickly left the room, and it took him a few minutes to regain composure.

"Yesmeen, are you trying to kill me?" he said coldly, his hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry... please stop getting mad at me." I kneel  down, crying, and hold  his hand. "I wish I had been more thoughtful. My words hurt you so much. I should have never spoken that way to someone I love and respect. Seeing the pain in your eyes when I said those horrible words broke my heart. I can never take that moment back,I'm sorry for my immature behavior..."

He closed his eyes, his hand still on his chest, "go  eat your noodles, I'll drop you back home.

I nodded silently, sensing his pain, and returned to the kitchen. I ate only two spoonfuls before heading to my room, feeling a mix of emotions. I grabbed my hijab from the closet, I miss my room, but I'll be back soon.

I'm ready," I said, trying to sound strong. He stood up without a word, picked up his car key, and we left the house. The ride to my parents' house is silent, my heart racing with anxiety. "I hope they didn't notice I'm out.

He parked the car on the roadside near our area and handed me my phone. "Ammar, are you serious? You're dropping me off here in the middle of the night?" I started to say, but the look he gave me made me stop shut , and I remained silent.

I gently touched his forehead, feeling his high temperature. "Please take care of yourself and don't forget to take your medicine. You need to rest." I exclaim , trying to sound soothing. "I'll call you, I have my phone here.

He placed his hand on my stomach, "Take care of the baby."

What about me?" I questioned looking at him

He  just shrugged, "Your dad will take care of you, I know."

I silently got out of the car, thinking, "I need answers to my questions." As I approached my house, I felt tension building up. My parents were waiting for me, and as soon as I reached them, my dad slapped me hard across the face. "I know I was wrong, dad doesn't want me out late at night, and I went out alone. He's very protective of me, and this is the first time he's ever raised his hand against me." I stuttered.

Where the hell did you go this late...?" My tears streamed down my face as I started to sob.,

"She's with me."I heard Ammar's voice behind me..

Ammar yazo fah!!!!
Ahhh ayi ta takare they should just give him his wife..."? I was thinking maybe dad will give him his wife back but I don't know what will happened..maybe dad has his own reason for not letting yesmeen back to Ammar house

Where's Ameera?ahh it being while we heard about her.."

Yesmeen girl is crazy at times..also I'm hell happy the way Ammar treated to her today giving her the I don't care attitude ..😂

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