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"Mu...ha, it's not like that, I swear I didn't do anything intentionally," Ameera pleaded. "I was just..." I gently picked up Yesmeen, who's  lying lifelessly. "I'm sorry," Ameera apologized.

I quickly got Yesmeen into the car, with Ameera entering from the other side. The ride to the hospital was silent, with only my thoughts echoing in my mind. "Only Allah knows what I'm feeling right now.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital, I did everything in my power to save Yesmeen's life. But learning that she is pregnant filled me with a mix of emotions - anger, sadness, and confusion. I felt like lashing out at Ameera, but I didn't know what to do. Should I be happy or sad? I was torn.

"The time went so fast that scared the hell out of me she didn't wake up.. I stared down at her face she was laying unconscious, her head was covered with many bandages, some wires were attached over her chest, IV fluids were also injected into her , the monitor beeped. On seeing her in this condition, pain arrows pierced my heart.

"God please do save my meen..

"I think you need water," Ameera said, handing me a glass cup. But before I knew it, I had thrown the cup away.

"Please, Muhammad, I'm sorry!" she pleaded, getting down on her knees. "Please, forgive me!"

I grabbed her hair, clenching it tightly as I lifted her to her feet. "Are you happy now?" I spat. "Are you satisfied? You should be celebrating by now - you've finally win, you've succeeded in destroying her!"

"I swear to God, if Yesmeen doesn't wake up, I'll kill you!" I hissed, my hands tightening around her throat as I slammed her head against the floor. The sound of the impact was audible. "What have you done to her, huh?"

"What else do you want me to say?" Ameera raised her voice. "You're right, I should be celebrating my victory. After all, I'll be getting rid of someone who's become my worst nightmare!"

She laughed, wiping away her tears. "What do I do now? The love of your life is here, laying lifeless, and finally, I've succeeded." Her voice is laced with sarcasm. "You know why I did that, Muhammad? It's because you're the real betrayer here, not Yesmeen. She's innocent, a true friend, and I only said those things to hurt her feelings, nothing more. I never meant to harm her."

Ameera's eyes blazed with anger. "But what can I do, Muhammad? You're the one who came between our friendship, deceiving me for all those years. You never loved me, never truly cared. You're heartless, and now look what's happened."

"Everything I did isn't right in your eyes, Muhammad, but when Yesmeen came along, she stole your attention, your time, your care, your love. It was always Yesmeen, Yesmeen, Yesmeen. For once, just for once, you never cared for me. You never loved me, never truly saw me. Even when we were in the USA, you spent so much time with her, without even knowing who she really was, instead of spending time with your own girlfriend."

Ameera's voice cracked with emotion. "You're just fooling me, Muhammad. What else do you want me to do? You're the one who forced me into all this. I always craved your love and attention, but you never gave it to me. Your time, your love, everything - it was always Yesmeen."

Tears streamed down her face. "I have no other option but to direct all my hatred towards the innocent soul lying here. You know, I was once an innocent girl who never complained, who was always kind to people, smiling at everyone I saw, even when I was hurting inside."

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