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One month later..
"Alhamdulillah, everything is going perfectly with everyone. Ammar is the best husband I could ask for - caring, sweet, and kind. As my pregnancy reaches nine months, I'm grateful for his unwavering support. Despite my mood swings and occasional outbursts, Ammar has never left my side. He's always there to listen, comfort, and support me.

Even in the middle of the night, when I've woken him up with my concerns or discomfort, he's never complained. Ammar is truly a dream husband, and I'm so grateful to have him. We may disagree on the baby's gender - he thinks it's a girl, while I'm convinced it's a boy, just like him! - but our love and respect for each other only grow stronger.

What I admire most about Ammar is his calm and composed nature. He's always so patient and understanding, and that's what attracts me to him the most. I'm grateful for this beautiful journey of pregnancy and marriage, and I couldn't ask for a better partner than Ammar."

"Ammar and I love shopping for baby clothes together, even though we have different preferences - he chooses adorable outfits for a baby girl, while I pick out cute onesies for a baby boy!It's truly rare to find a gem like Ammar, and I'm grateful to my parents for their excellent choice. I've come to realize that parents' instincts are often spot on!

Ammar's mom is the best mother-in-law anyone could ask for - kind, friendly, and warm. I have immense respect for her, and I feel blessed to have her as a part of my life. My in-laws are the best, and I'm grateful for their love and support.

On a happy note, my sisters, Yussy and Ameera, are both settled with their perfect matches, Alhamdulillah! Yussy married her boyfriend, Aysar, and Ameera found her Mr. Right. And, her sister's gave birth to a baby girl is a beautiful blessing from God - Masha Allah!"

"Ammar has been insistent that I take a break from work due to my pregnancy, but he's promised that I can return to my job as soon as I've recovered from giving birth. Right now, I'm struggling with the physical demands of pregnancy - all I want to do is sleep!Ammar had to rush to the hospital for an emergency, but he wanted me to come along because of my condition. I refused, not wanting to be a burden. He promised he'd be back soon.

I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that made me scream. My back hurts so badly... I think my water just broke!"


Third person
"Muhammad, what kind of foolishness is this?" his mother scolded. "You can't do anything to help her, and yet you brought us here."

"Oh, Allah," Ammar reply pacing around the delivery room. "I can't bear to see her in so much pain. It's tearing me apart."

"Who do you expect to be here?" his mother asked, exasperated.

Here, take my phone and dial Dr. Fadila's number. She'll come right away."his mother dialed the doctor's number, and after a few minutes. Dr. Fadila arrived. "Muhammad, please calm down," she exclaim.

Mami, I'm worried," Ammar voice laced with concern. "I've never seen her in such a state. It's so painful to see her like this.

"Every woman has to endure this," his aunt said, trying to reassure him. "Please stop worrying.

He rubbed his palms together anxiously as he heard Yesmeen screaming in pain. "It's been an hour, and nothing's happening.

His mother , urge him to go inside. But he refused, unable to bear the sight of Yesmeen in such distress.

Inside the delivery room, Yesmeen was screaming, "I can't do it anymore, it hurts too much!" She cried out in pain, her head falling back onto the pillow as she panted loudly.

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