Loki| Villain

197 7 18

Warnings: Swearing (lAnGuAgE)

Type: Fluff

Word Count: 779

P.s. We're going to pretend that YOU wrote the following song. Also, this wasn't a request I just wanted to write it.


Loki Pov:

Dating the villain doesn't seem so harsh.

What on Asgard is that? I follow the music and singing down the hall.

Because you know if they ever lost you, they would tear the world apart.

It seems to be coming from Y/n's room. I round the corner and peek through the door. She is dancing around her room wearing a long black ballgown with a dark green corset. It appears to be an illusion. 

Dating the villain doesn't seem so bad, because they're always quite handsome and you can force them to hold your hand.

Her voice sounds like honey, as she dances swiftly around her room.

And even when they're mean, they'll never leave you on seen. And if anyone hurts your feelings, they'll break they're face.

Oh. That escalated. 

She continues dancing around her room, stopping at her bookshelf to choose something. Y/n picks up an old book with a red cover. An Introduction to Shakespeare. She remembered to read it. I can't believe it. I told her weeks ago, anyone else would've forgotten.

They'll spoil you with riches that they went out and stole. To them, you'd be their diamonds, they're rubies, and they're gold.

Her head turns toward the door, and I instantly teleport to my room. Wow. She sounds beautiful. Scratch that. She is beautiful.

"Hey, ceiling? You there?" I say.

"I'm FRIDAY. Mr. Starks virtual AI. What can I help you with, Mr. Friggason?" the ceil- FRIDAY says.

I'm startled at the surname that FRIDAY has given me.

"I have two questions. First off, why did you call me Mr. Friggason?" I say, very confused at why cei- FRIDAY would call me Friggason. I really got to get used to calling it FRIDAY.

"Miss L/n requested I do so. She said it was because you didn't have the best relationships with your two fathers." It explains.

"I see... oh yes, and secondly, what song was Y/n singing?" I ask.

"It was her own song, she wrote it shortly after you arrived at the tower. It's called Dating the Villain." FRIDAY says.

"Do you know who it's about?" I ask, worried that I won't get the answer I want.

"You, I believe. Now I'm sorry, Mr. Friggason, but Mr. Stark needs me. I expect details on what you two do. Nevermind, I have cameras." FRIDAY says.

I lay on my bed, tossing a cup into the air. All of a sudden, Y/n comes into my room. She's wearing an old Metallica T-shirt and a pair of green plaid shorts (change it if you want, i don't mind). I sit up in shock and the cup shatters on the ground.

"Oh sorry, I should've knocked." She says, picking up the broken pieces with her magic (to clarify, in this oneshot you have the same powers as Wanda, but it's yellow instead of red). She tosses the pieces into the wastebasket, and walks over to the bed and sits down. 

"I saw you disappear. Out of my doorway. I'm guessing you heard the song?" She says, looking down shyly.

"I- well... yes." I say, blushing like mad. She smiles. 

"And I assume you asked FRIDAY?" she says looking at me. I look up at her.

"How did you know?" I ask, laughing slightly.

"You're not the only one who can listen outside of a door." Y/n says, winking.

"I hope you don't mind me telling FRIDAY to call you Mr. Friggason." She says, looking down again.

"Only if FRIDAY can call you Mrs. Friggason." I say, getting a sudden burst of confidence.

She looks confused for a second, before looking up at me with a look of surprise and realization. 

"You sneaky little shit." She says, laughing. I laugh along with her, surprised at her foul language. Sure, she swears, but usually in private, like when she drops a book or cup or something.

"But I'm your sneaky little shit." I say, leaning in to kiss her forehead. 

"Ahem. My lips are down here." She says, a coy smile on her mouth. I lean down and press my lips to hers.

Our lips move together, perfectly in sync with one another, before pulling away.

"Who's the sneaky little shit now, hm? Miss 'my lips are down here.'" I say, kissing her again.

"YES!" We both turn to the voice in the doorway. 

"THOR! WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT KNOCKING, BROTHER?" I shout, throwing a dagger at him. It hits his abdomen. 

"The door was open." Y/n says, smirking. Thor leaves, and I turn back to Y/n.

"Now, where were we?" I ask, leaning in again.


Hello, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, and I'll be writing another Loki one for @ivory_beginnings pretty much right now, though I may not publish till tomorrow :)

Love you <3,


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