Loki| Love Hurts

107 4 22

Warnings: Swearing, you may cry idk

Type: Fluffy Angst

Word Count: 620

Powers: same as Wanda's, it's too late for me to specify

P.s. Sorry for another Loki one but I have so many ideas for him. Italics are flashbacks.


"Y/n's been injured."

Hearing the words come out of his brothers mouth drove Loki mad. Now of course, Thor wasn't the one to blame, no. Think real hard. Who else could it have been?

That's right.

The mighty All-Father, Odin himself. 

That pompous dickhead engaged in a war with Jotunheim. Again.

Y/n was caught in the crossfire. Now, unless the Queen can heal her, she may never speak, walk, or live. Loki prays that she ends up alright.

"Loki, is everything alright? You seem distant, love." Y/n says in a curious tone.

Loki stays silent for a moment, having an internal debate whether or not to lie. The endearment used was one usually thrown around for fun. Not for Loki. He both loved and hated when she says it. Mostly because he feels that she doesn't mean it.

"No..." He responds, realizing there is no going back.

"What's wrong?" She asks, sitting next to him.

"When you call me 'love', do you mean it?" He questions, refusing to meet her gaze.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...do you love me? As more than a friend or brother?"  He meets her eyes this time. He notices something flash in her eyes, realization he supposes.

"...Yes. I had hoped you wouldn't notice, as I did not want to ruin our friendship." 

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me." He repeats. "Kiss me until your pain is mine, and mine is yours. Your hopes, your dreams, your faults, and your regrets. Kiss me until I forget my own name. Kiss me like you love me as much as I do you."

With that, their lips met in the center, hungry, not with lust, but with love.

That day was the best one Loki's had in his 1000+ years. Now, because of Odin, his love could be taken away.

He visited Y/n's chambers that evening, however this time was different. Y/n was awake, standing even. He rushed over to her, pulling her form into an embrace.

"Remind me to thank your mother for healing me." She says, voice a little hoarse.

"All that matters is that you are here, alive and well." He says, kissing the top of her head.

Over the next few days, they plan. By they, it means Loki, Y/n, Thor, Frigga, Sif, and The Warriors Three. They all agreed that the All-Father was no longer fit for the throne. Sure, what they were planning was treason, but it had to be done.

Y/n was now in perfect health, thanks to Frigga. So, after 6 days, Thor hid with his mother on Midguard, as did The Warriors Three and Sif. Loki and Y/n went to Jotunheim with Odin to fight in a battle.

*time skip cuz it's 2am*

They were nearing the end of the battle, Loki with knives, Y/n with her magic, and Odin...well, he was just ordering everyone else around. Soon, he was in a secluded spot. Loki took this chance to put a knife to Odin's throat.

"What are you doing, boy?" Odin asks, not attempting to resist for he knows Loki is quicker than anyone.

"You took everything from me. My parents, my childhood, my self-respect, and I was fine with that. But then you almost took Y/n from me. That crossed a line." He says, pressing on the knife a little harder, causing blood to draw.


"I am no son of yours."

"Think of Thor." Odin pleas.

"That's the thing, Odin, he helped plan this." He says, before slitting Odin's throat.

That day, Loki set fire to the realm of Jotunheim. But he did not let a single flame touch her.



Y'all I need requests otherwise prepare for more Loki and/or Bucky.

Love you,


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