Lady Loki| Acceptance

126 3 5

Warnings: Swearing, Loki being cute as hell

Type: Fluff

Word Count: 552

P.s. To clarify, in the beginning, you and Loki aren't together.


Third Person Pov:

Tony Stark being Tony Stark decided to throw a party.

Everyone was coming, Thor even managed to convince Loki to come. So here everyone was, sitting on the couch, while a bunch of people mingled around them.

"What if she doesn't accept me?" Loki whispers to Thor.

"Loki, I'm sure she'll accept you being genderfluid." Thor whispers back.

Y/n is over at the bar, already a little drunk.

"Natasha, come here!" She slurs. Natasha also being slightly drunk, walks over to her.

"Hey baby, what do you need?" Natasha says, leaning over the bar.

"Preferably you." Y/n says, leaning in to kiss her.

Natasha meets her halfway, pressing her lips to Y/n's. This turns into a full-on make-out session. 

"As long as she isn't 'into' Natasha, I think you'll be fine." Thor whispers to Loki.

"Aye, Y/n! Natasha! What are you doing?" Tony shouts.

"Haven't you ever seen two best friends make-out before?" Natasha says.

"I ain't never seen-" Peter begins.

"Two pretty best friends." Y/n continues.

"Always one of them gotta be ugly." Both say, giggling at Tony's confused expression.

*le time skip to next morning*

Y/n walks downstairs to the kitchen, hand on her head.

"Hey Y/n! How are you feeling?" Thor booms.

"Thor. Head. Ouch." Y/n whisper-hisses.

"MY- sorry, my apologies." Thor whispers.

Thor leaves, and Y/n notices that there is a woman in the kitchen.

"I thought Tony gave up on the one night stands after he met Pepper." Y/n mumbles.

The woman turns around, a cup of tea in her hand, and Y/n swears she's seen her before. 

"He did." The woman says.

"Who are you then?" Y/n says, reaching for the cereal, which the woman grabs for her.

"Ouch, darling I'm hurt. You don't recognize me?" She says, smirking.

That smirk. She's seen it before. On Loki.

"Loki? You're a woman?" Y/n says, flabbergasted.

"Genderfluid, actually." Loki says.

Y/n stares at her. 

"What the fuck?" Y/n says. This makes Loki panic a little.

"HOW DO YOU STILL LOOK PRETTIER THAN ME? THIS ISN'T FAIR!" Y/n says, reaching to touch Loki's hair.

Loki releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. They stare deep into each others eyes, before Y/n crashes her lips onto Loki's. This shocks her for a moment before kissing back.

After a moment, they pull away.

"What about you and Natasha?" Loki asks, wondering if she possibly ruined a relationship.

"Just friends. With some benefits. And if it wasn't already obvious, I'm (sexuality{ if straight, please just go along with it}).

"Finally." They turn to the door, where literally, the ENTIRE team is standing. Except Clint and Peter. Peter's on the roof, and Clint's in the vent.

"Stark, your child is on the roof again." Y/n says, causing Tony to look up.

"Peter Parker-Stark! Get your ass off the roof! What have I told you about the footprints?" Tony shouts, grabbing the broom.

"That's our cue." Loki says, grabbing Y/n's hand, as the both sprint down the hallway, giggling the whole way.



In honor of genderfluid Loki now being canon!

Just a cute idea I had, I hope you liked it.

Love you,


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