Loki| My Queen

194 5 39

Warnings: Swearing, Betrayal

Type: Fluff/ Angst i suppose

Word count: 446 (sorry for the short chapter)

Powers: Flight, Assassin skills


Y/n Pov:

The Chitauri were flying all around us, coming through a portal in the sky. My blades cut and sliced into more than I can count, and they just keep coming. Of course, this was his plan the whole time.

"Y/n! Widow needs assistance!" Capsicle says, through the earpiece.

Both Clint and I run over to where she is, ducking behind a car.

"This is just like Budapest." Nat says, before firing at two more aliens.

"You and I remember Budapest very differently." Clint states, shooting to arrows directly into the aliens foreheads.

"What happened in Budapest?" I ask, curious as to what they did.

"Nothing." Nat says, a little to quickly.

As they continue firing, I slowly creep away, before going into a full sprint, heading toward the tower. I fly directly to the top, where a confused Thor awaits.

"Y/n, I thought we said I was going to wait for Loki?" Thor asks, tilting his head to the side a little.

"Yeah, well, plans change." I say, as Loki appears before us.

"Thor, how wonderful to see you again." Loki says, sarcasm dripping off every word.

Thor goes to look at Loki, and I take that opportunity to take out my knife and stab him in the abdomen. Loki grabs a hovercraft that's flying next to the tower, and flips himself up onto it (bucky with the motorcycle in civil war but with the flying thingys). He dips down to knock Cap over, but gets caught up in a fight with him. Thor looks down at his wound. Nothing fatal, just enough to slow him down.

"Lady Y/n... why?" 

"Because I love him." Thor gives me a look of what appears to be sympathy. Catch me are the last words I think of, before saluting and jumping off the tower.

Loki flies up to where I'm falling, catching me in his arms.

"I'll always be there to catch you, my queen." He says, giving me a quick peck on the lips, then flying off to our secret location.

Surprisingly, nobody follows us. They must be busy trying to close the portal.

"Sir Rogers, Y/n has escaped with Loki." Thor's voice booms through the earpiece.

"What do you mean 'escaped'?" Cap asks.

"She confessed her love for my brother, but not before stabbing me." 

"Shit. This changes things." says Tony.

"It's been a pleasure working alongside you all. This is nothing personal, believe me." I chuckle slightly. "I'm sorry..." I mumble, before removing the earpiece and throwing it into the water below.

I love them, I really do.

But for Loki...

Well, I'd do just about anything for him.


It is 12 am. I must now use the sleep. 

Love you,


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