Behind Closed Doors| Bucky

121 3 9

Warnings: death (extremely minor characters)

Type: Angst, fluff

Word count: 633


Third person pov:

'Here we go again.' Bucky thinks, as he steps out the door, locking it behind him.

For the last the weeks, Bucky has been undercover, working as an "accountant" in San Francisco. His mission? Get as much info on Y/n L/n as he can, so Tony knows whether or not to recruit her. 

She's known as Kobra, a deadly assassin, who leaves behind nothing but a red lipstick smear on her victims neck. Less of a kiss mark, and more of a slit or cut mark.

Now, Bucky would have had the mission completed already, if not for one small issue. They hated each other. It doesn't help that Y/n lives in the apartment above him. Witnesses have stated that you can hear (favourite band) being blasted upstairs while 40's hits attempt to drown it out in the apartment below, in the late hours of the evening. Neighbors place bets on who will give up first. Y/n has won every night so far. 

As Bucky turns to head don the hallway, he hears glass shatter and a thud upstairs. Bucky races up the stairway. Outside her door, he hears another thud then silence. He turns the handle and bursts inside.

He checks the kitchen and living room first.

"Y/n? Y/n?!" Bucky's voice cracks. He pauses, realizing there was a tone of worry in his voice and he could feel tears struggling to be held back. 

"Mr. Barnes?" She calls, voice coming from the bedroom.

Bucky rushes into the room, seeing her sitting on the floor, surrounded by three dead bodies. All of the bodies are at least 6'2" and must weigh 190+ lbs each. Y/n's hair is a mess, blood spatters cover her sweatpants and tank-top, knife in each hand.

He kicks aside one of the dead guys, lifting her up and hugging her. She resists at first, before settling her head on his shoulder.

"You're not really an accountant, are you?" She whispers.

"What gave it away?" He asks.

"I saw the look in your eyes when you looked at the dead guys. Like you've seen it a thousand times before. I have the same look when I see them. And the way you easily kicked one of them aside. Well, that and the metal arm." She says, causing them both to chuckle because of the arm comment.

"So, why are you here?" Y/n asks, lifting her head to look in his eyes.

"I heard of you from a friend. Her name is Natalia Romanova. Better known as-"

"The Black Widow." She finishes.

"Stark wants to recruit you. Have you join the Avengers." Bucky says, sitting down on the bed, causing her to straddle him.

"He's got money?" She asks.


"Food and a place for me to stay?"


She stands up, grabbing both his hands in hers.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get going. Preferably before the cops show up." Y/n says.

Bucky stands up. but not before Y/n gives him a peck on the cheek, causing him to blush. They walk out of the building, hand in hand, and drive away in Bucky's 1967 Chevy Impala.

As Bucky looks over to see Y/n sleeping in the passenger seat, he smiles.

Bucky has only known her for a few weeks, but he already cares deeply for her. In later years, everyone would say the same thing.

James Buchanan Barnes, 1940's playboy, Captain America's best friend, the Winter Soldier, one of the most feared assassins ever, the one nobody thought would settle down with someone, was in love.



I haven't updated in so long, I'm sorry :(

I really hope you liked this (though it was absolute shit-)

If you have a request, feel free to leave it, but just know it may take a while due to me being busy at school and work.

Love you,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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