Peter| Fuck School

133 7 45

Warnings: Swearing, transphobia

Type: Angst, fluff

Word count (let's see if i actually remember this time): 800

P.s. this includes a genderfluid!reader and trans!peter. oh, and Irondad and Spidermama make a special appearance.


"Penelope?"  Mrs. Johnston called. Peter flinched at the sound of his deadname.

"Here." He replied. Y/n reached forward in their chair and gave him an apologetic pat on the shoulder. He gave her a small smile before turning back to the front.

"Alright, that's it for attendance. Today we will be learning about ankle edema. Does anyone know what that is?" Mrs. Johnston asked.

*time skip (also i didn't know what to put for the teaching portion, so for those who don't know what ankle edema is, it's severe swelling in the foot or ankle that leaves a pit when you press on it. It's caused by congestive heart failure or vein blockage in the leg)*

Peter was walking in the hallway when Flash caught up to him.

"Hey, sorry about the teacher. She's fucking rude calling you Penelope." He said, walking alongside him.

"Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we call her Mr. Johnston? After all, we'd just be using the same logic she is. She's using the wrong name and pronouns for you, why the fuck shouldn't we do that to her?" Y/n stated, walking backwards in front of the two boys.

"Okay, we start tomorrow." Peter said. He could finally show the teacher how much of a bitch she was.

*time skip (again)*

"Penelope?" Mrs. Johnston called.

"Here, Mr. Johnston." He said. Flash and Y/n could be heard snickering behind him.

"It's Mrs. Johnston, girly." She said, glaring at the three of them.

"No it isn't." Peter smiles, leaning forward and putting his face in his hands.

"Is this about the whole 'Peter' thing? Because I hate to break it to you, princess, but you are a female. You were born a female, so you will always be a female." She she said, emphasizing on princess.

"Actually, he isn't. His father paid for his surgeries, so now he is male. He is identical to any other human male specimen. There is now nothing saying he was born female, except... for you." Y/n said, standing up from his chair.

"How could his father pay for anything? His father is dead." Mrs. Johnston spat.

"Do I look dead too you?"

Everyone's attention turned to the voice in the doorway. Mrs. Johnston's jaw dropped as she saw none other than Tony Stark leaning on the doorframe, looking quite pissed. Natasha, or as many know her, the Black Widow stood behind him with a murderous gaze directed toward the teacher.

"Now I don't know you, but I think you'd like to keep your job, correct?" Tony said walking to the front of the class. Mrs. Johnston nods.

"Too bad. I've already spoken to the director on the school board and as of," Tony checks his watch. "five minutes ago, you were terminated. There should be an email in your drop-box."

To Mrs. Johnston's horror, there is an email, announcing her termination.

"Oh, before I forget, my colleague would like to speak to you." Tony said, gesturing to Nat. She storms forward, toward the teacher.

"Слушай, ублюдок. Я не собираюсь повторять это дважды. Ты когда-либо причинял Питеру моральную или эмоциональную боль, я выслежу тебя ... и убью тебя." She said, now standing so close to her, she can smell her perfume.

"Translation, Peter?" Tony said, pointing to Peter.

"Listen up, fucker. I'm not going to say this twice. You ever hurt Peter, mentally or emotionally, I will hunt you down...and kill you." Peter said, still smiling.

"Have a terrible day." Tony said, fake smiling at the teacher.

"Oh yes, before I forget. Ned! Flash! I expect to see you both in the labs tomorrow morning." Tony points to both of them before walking out the door. Nat reluctantly follows behind, but not before placing a kiss on Peter and Y/n's foreheads.

Y/n turns to face Peter.

"Well, it's been an exciting day. And it's only 8:30 in the morning." They said, smiling.

"Thank you. You know, for calling them and everything." Peter said, looking her directly in the eyes.

"No problem." Y/n said, giving Peter's shoulder a playful slap.

"How can I repay you?" He asked.

"Kiss me?" She said, making the first move.

"That can be arranged."

Peter leans in and places his lips on Y/n's. Their mouths move together in sync. Behind them, they could hear Flash say "About time. The sexual tension was so thick even I couldn't breath." To which Y/n flipped him off.

From outside the door, Tony and Natasha were crying tears of joy, although later Natasha would never admit she had cried.



I didn't know how to end it so-

Also, I didn't picture Flash being transphobic, so I made him Peter's friend. And also gave him a Stark internship that he's been wanting.

Love you,


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