Bucky| Lost

158 4 17

Warnings: Swearing

Type: Fluff so don't panic

Word Count: 495


Y/n Pov:

Bucky and I were on grocery duty for today because Tony said, and I quote, we 'are little bedroom trolls who have barely been seen all week'. So here we are, in the store, with two carts full already. Bucky is pushing the third, which only has a few things in it, while the others were already paid for and in the van.

"Doll, I gotta use the bathroom." Bucky says.

"Okay, I'll show you where it is." I say, walking to the back of the store.

Once we get there, he goes into the men's room as I wait outside. Then I remember that Wanda, Nat, Pepper, and I are nearly out of tampons and pads. How that happened, I have no idea. We had a year's supply two months ago. This trip just got a lot more expensive.

So I head off to the pharmacy area, and clear a shelf in total. Then I pick up some medication for the cramps. I pick up some junk food along the way, you know: chocolate, ice cream, gummy bears, which no man will touch cause I'll cut their fingers off.

Fuck. It's been half an hour, Bucky's probably waiting. I head back to the bathroom, where Bucky is no longer there. 

"FRIDAY, is anyone in the bathroom?" I ask, getting slightly worried.

"No, Mrs. Barnes, nobody is in there." FRIDAY says.

"Did Tony tell you to call me that?" I ask, annoyed but mildly pleased. The name sounds so right.

"Yes, would you like me to call you something else?" She says.

"No, it's fine. Thank you."

Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT.

Tony will kill me if I leave Manchurian Candidate here. Not that I blame him.

"Miss L/n, your child is here at the front desk." The speaker booms.

Child? I don't have a child. Do I? I think heading over to the front desk.

When I get to the front desk, my eyes scan over the area before landing on Bucky. He's leaning over, sulking a bit. Bucky looks up, and his eyes meet mine. He walks over to me and smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hug him back gently.

"You left me Doll." He mumbles into my neck.

"You know, the desk clerk might be right." I say, smirking at the lady, who giggles back at me.

"How is that?" He asks.

"Because you are a child." I say, before laughing.

"And here I thought you were going to be nice." Buck says, before laughing himself.

"Nope, it's not in my nature." I say, looking into his eyes.

"Well then, shall we proceed, Mrs. Barnes?" He says, a smug smile on his face.

"FRIDAY? Did you tell him about that?" I ask the AI.

"No, in fact, Mr. Barnes told me to tell you it was Tony, if you ever asked." FRIDAY responds.

"You cheeky little bugger." I say, in my best British accent.

He laughs and takes my hand.

"Well doll, we should probably go. The team is expecting us."

And with that, we pay and leave the store.


Second update today? whaaaaat? 

love you, 


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